I, like everyone else, should stop posting about these miracle foods that keep appearing on eBay. It's only encouraging their proliferation. But I just can't stop myself. So here's the latest one:
A Miracle M&M. The seller says:
Purchasing a handful of M&M from vending machine, I came across this very special M&M that I believe to be a likeness of Jesus with a crown on his head. This has been a life changing event for me. I am hoping that all of you see what I see.
I wholeheartedly agree with one of the people who wrote in a question, saying the seller should encourage the bidders to donate their money to charities rather than waste it on a freakin' M&M. All the seller really had to say was "I don't know how to respond to this".
1: S/he sees religious figures in food.
2: Uses repeat punctuation marks. There were 18 exclaimation points in the headline. This is a known sign of a sick mind.
I need to start eating M&Ms;.
Maybe it's life-changing for you, but don't quit your day job.
I also wonder, if you can really sell a piece of food with a blurry face on it for $3,000, or even for $3, why there aren't a lot of factories out there mass-producing Jesus & Mary Snack Foods. Hmm, do you suppose I could copyright that idea?
I do however understand the seller, an exelent way of making money of idiots. (Am I allowed to say idiots here, maybe "otherwice intelectually abled" is more correct)
Well, I'm going to do my best to find some jesus in my soup now.
Anyway, the seller did agree with the person Q`ing about not seeing this, so he's all clear, he's even admitted to not seeing jesus.
Q: Hi there. I'm not a religious person and I don't really see Jesus in your m&m.
A: Thank You Jennifer and I agree with you.
But then again it might be me missing some vital parts of the question, looks fun tho...
Hmm....I wonder how difficult it is to tip-ex a face on a sweetie, anyways....
Waffles, anyone?