rumor is circulating alleging that a) Michael Jackson wore a prosthetic nose, and b) someone has stolen that nose from the Los Angeles morgue.
The rumor about Jackson wearing a prosthetic nose
dates back to at least 2002, when Jackson appeared in Santa Maria Superior Court wearing a large bandage on his nose. But this latest addition to the rumor means that Michael Jackson's nose joins that select group of human body parts that acquire a life in legend following the death of the person to which they were originally attached. It's almost inevitable that years from now something alleged to be Jackson's prosthetic nose will show up at auction.
Other body parts in this select club include
Rasputin's Penis,
the foreskin of Jesus,
the head of Oliver Cromwell,
Geronimo's skull,
Napoleon's penis, and
John Dillinger's penis.
Are we sure MJ's wiggly (as we call it here) wasn't also prosthetic?