I should create a category for things that sound fake, but are actually real. In that category I would place
LifeGem. According to their website, a LifeGem is "a certified, high quality diamond created from the carbon of your loved one as a memorial to their unique and wonderful life." Or, to put it more plainly, it's a diamond made from cremated human (or animal) remains. Actually, I'm just assuming it's real because it seems to have received quite a bit of publicity from places like the
BBC and
NPR. But the obvious con to watch out for would be that after someone pays all that money they would then receive a diamond that wasn't actually made from the remains of their loved one. How would anyone ever know the difference?
Created diamonds do not lower the market value of natural diamonds. It is required by law to list if a diamond is natural or manmade, and purists will always seek the rare, natural stone. Note also that the market mark-up on diamonds is about 800% of their original purchase price via wholesalers...now *there's* the joke!
actually it's rather funny.
sick as hell though.
forgot to add that link, sorry for that.
As to LifeGem, this is a legitimate company that has a public presence and a very good reputattion.
I can see by all the comments here, and particularly by reading the initial post, that none of you has done any research. LifeGem is on line and they reply to all emails. In fact, they answer the phone and usually the owner answers.
I have spoken to the company on three recent occasions regarding their plans to turn some of Michael Jackson's hair into diamonds. I was sceptical but since speaking to the owners and receiving their press releases and other corroborating information and comfortable that they do indeed do what they say they do.
I am waiting on a reply from LifeGem as to how they verify for clients that the diamonds they produce are in fact created from the remains of their clients' loved ones and will update this place when I have a reply.