Killer whales do eat penguins, but I'd say this has been photoshopped. For a start, if you look closely it appears that the killer whale already has something in its mouth.
I have no information about who created the photo or where the original images came from.
By looking at all the other images on this site (it's all in Spanish, I think), it would appear that this image (as is the case with all the others) was an art project - a photoshop project. Check it out for yourself...
It's obviously a photomontage (where exactly would the photographer have been to take this picture?).
Furthermore, it looks to me as though the Orca is going to miss. Penguins going off a ledge go pretty much straight down, so the killer whale seems to be going a bit high and to the left (the whale's left, that is) to snatch this one in its mouth.
However, it's a cute picture. It reminds me of those photos on the "motivational posters" you see at oppressive work sites, only this time with a twist.
Anyway looks so obviously fake
It's a photoshopped entry to a contest. It won, too!
FAKE !!!
Tell me if you found it before us because we are proud !