On Sunday I leave for Africa. I'll be there for three weeks. I'm spending a week in Malawi, where my sister lives, and two weeks in South Africa, where members of my wife's family live. I probably won't have many chances to connect to the internet while I'm there.
As it turns out, Flora is also leaving for a vacation in Wales at the same time. Which could mean a sudden absence of Curators at the MoH, and not much blog content being produced.
To prevent that I've arranged for a guest blogger while Flora and I are gone. It's someone quite familiar to many people here -- none other than
Cranky Media Guy (aka Bob Pagani). He has perfect credentials for the position. He's a media hoaxer, radio personality, warden of the
Abu Ghraib Fantasy Prison Camp, and winner of the
$365M Powerball Lottery. He'll be blogging from up north in Oregon.
So please give him a warm welcome. And if you want to help him out by giving him tips about links or news stories, just use the
site's contact form. I've configured it so that he'll receive messages sent through it.
Just kidding. Welcome Cranky Media Guy!
*sits and waits eagerly to be entertained by Cranky Media Guy*
If CMG makes a good Curator, will there be a three-way wrestling match among him, Flora and you to see who gets to be in control of this place upon your return? Let me know in advance, so I can start preparing the pre-match merchandise. 😊