Hypnosis Diet

CNN reports that the latest weight-loss fad to sweep the country is the Hypnosis Diet. Therapists place hypnotic suggestions in their patients' minds, telling them to "picture themselves in a relaxing place whenever they feel the impulse to overeat." (Hopefully their relaxing place isn't a donut store.) I was going to chalk up whatever effect this therapy might have to the power of suggestion, but I guess that's the whole point.

Hey, if it helps some people, that's great. But I'd assume it would work best on highly suggestible people. I wonder if the hypnosis therapists have ever considered taking a cue from Elizabeth Loftus and tried hypnotically implanting fake memories to help their patients lose weight.


Posted on Tue Sep 06, 2005


Whether hypnosis diets are a hoax or actually being tried, the people have been hypnotized for years into believing fatness is always and automatically unhealthy, thanks to many propagandistic "studies". I don't see why they couldn't allow themselves to be further bamboozled into buying into yet another diet plan that won't work.
Posted by eriC draveS  on  Tue Sep 06, 2005  at  10:59 PM
My mother and I tried this about 17 years ago.....guess what...nothing...the only weight that was lost was from my mothers wallet...
Posted by X  on  Wed Sep 07, 2005  at  07:34 AM
The dinner table is about the most relaxing place I can think of.
Posted by Big Gary in the kitchen  on  Wed Sep 07, 2005  at  04:45 PM
i think that it would probably work as long as the person revisited the hypnotherapist for "booster" sessions where the origonal sugestions would be reinforced.
i think this one works by distracting the concous mind when the urge to over eat arrises
Posted by webby  on  Mon Sep 12, 2005  at  04:33 AM
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