Ananova comes through with
another incredibly believable story, this time about a Slovak man who claims that he freed himself from being trapped under an avalanche by peeing his way out. Thankfully he had 60 bottles of beer with him to help him in this endeavor. He was sitting there, trapped in his car beneath the snow, so he cracked open a beer, and then the brilliant idea came to him: I can pee my way out! They quote this guy as saying: "I was scooping the snow from above me and packing it down below the window, and then I peed on it to melt it. It was hard and now my kidneys and liver hurt. But I'm glad the beer I took on holiday turned out to be useful and I managed to get out of there." I would classify this as nothing more than 'pub talk', the kind of tall-tale that pub patrons make up to amuse each other. But for some reason it's being reported as news. (thanks to 'dvidiod' for sending me the story)
Another great piece of "news" that I saw on Ananova first, then can't believe Drudge picked this one up!
All I can say is, you have clearly never been blessed with a kidney stone. If you ever do get one, unimaginable new dimensions of pain will be opened to you.
When I had mine, the emergency room triage nurse told me she could tell from my face that it was a kidney stone, because nothing else comes anywhere near hurting as much-- this from a woman who sees people with gunshots, severed limbs, open head wounds, cancer, etc., every day. Several mothers later told me that kidney stones hurt more than labor and giving birth.
I think I've heard of people who urinated rather than spit for the same effect, but like everyone said, this is obviously fake due to the whole beer aspect.
David- why not just pour the beer on the snow? Because the beer was probably almost frozen itself, and the man had to put it through his body to warm it up to 100 degrees or however warm pee is.
Glamcat- if he spread this drinking out over the several days it sounds like it took him to get out of this avalance, he would not neccecarily have gotten alcohol poisoning. Especially if he was planning on consuming these 60 beers over the weekend anyways!
In any case, the peeing oneself out of an avalanche sounds suspect. The alcohol would probably assist this individual with succumbing to hypothermia. The time to process this amount of beer without dying of alcohol poisoning is probably longer than it would take for cold and lack of air to kill him. Avalanche snow packs pretty hard, akin to concrete.
I don't understand what he says here "I was scooping the snow from above me and packing it down below the window, and then I peed on it to melt it." How was he scooping it from above him without it falling into the car. And what does he mean he packed it down below the window? Wasn't he buried in solid snow? I'm having trouble visualizing this.
Any thoughts?
Yeah honey, I had to drink 60 beers,and that hooker happend to get buried with me.
just wanted to put my 2 cents in....
Is it realy a hoax? :|