Hometown Tales

Here's a TV show I'd be interested in seeing: Hometown Tales. It's all about various hoaxy/folklore-type things that happen in communities throughout America. The show also has a blog. Unfortunately, I probably won't be able to ever see the program because it's only on public access channels in New Jersey. Well, if they ever make it to the San Diego area I could definitely find some hoaxy things to share with them, such as the landing spot on Mt. Palomar where George Adamski first made contact with the Venusian Scoutcraft (I think I'm one of the few people ever to check it out... It's now a baseball field). Or the Monster of Deadman's Hole.

Entertainment Folklore/Tall Tales

Posted on Thu Nov 18, 2004


I've seen this show over here in Jersey. It's really good but not on enough. It's actually on a lot but they only do new shows every couple of months so the same show is replayed a lot. It's a long time to wait for a 1/2 hour TV show. It's also tough to find the DVDs in stores but worth it if you ever find them.
Posted by GudeLove  on  Fri Nov 26, 2004  at  03:36 PM
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