You wouldn't want to run into this thing while out for a stroll in the woods. It's a
1000lb wild hog with 9-inch tusks, nicknamed Hogzilla, that hunting Guide Chris Griffin claims to have shot in Georgia last month. To put this in perspective, 500lb wild hogs are considered enormous. No one has ever heard of a 1000lb wild hog before, so it's raising a few eyebrows. Plus, the only evidence for the creature's existence is a picture Griffin snapped of himself posing beside it. He says that he buried the hog soon after killing it. In the picture of Griffin with Hogzilla, the hog sure looks big. Hogzilla could be real. Or the picture could be photoshopped, though I haven't seen a good enough copy of the image to make a judgement on that. Or Griffin could have obtained a large hog from a farm. In the
hoax forum, posters have pointed out that tricks of perspective might make the hog look bigger than it really is... though even taking distorted perspective into account, that still seems like a big hog. If I were Griffin, I'd dig the skeleton up to prove that Hogzilla is real, because a picture alone is not indisputable evidence.
Update: A better quality picture of Hogzilla can be seen at
Kens-fishfarm.com, and
David Emery notes that there have been previous stories about giant hogs caught in the wild.
You'd think he'd at least keep the tusks from the thing as a trophy.
Having said he buried the pig is like the kid who says the dog ate his homework.
A bit too convenient.
They used the same princliple to make humans Hobbit size in the "Lord of the Rings" movies...
Heh and I don't get that channel, figures. I hope someone will let us know what the say.
source: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=519&e=5&u=/ap/hogzilla_national_geographic
I think people who don't believe in this should not be looking at this picture! Am I right???????
I'm not sure if I can or not, but, I would like to talk to Chris Griffin, to get some facts!!!!!!
Thanx for reading my comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 inch tusks
800 pounds (360 kilos)
8 feet long
killed inthe geogia swamps.
i took a shot at it with a 30-06
it texas
it turned and looked and ran off i folowed the blood trail for about 4 hours and then gave up.
and its not the first plus there was a show on it and they dug up the remains. I dont think its that hard to believe an animal can get fairly big if given a larger sourrounding and more food.
Are you serious? soooo fake, I agree his dog must have ate this one. Where are the shadows of the hog? They are not on you, nor on the ground. Who stole em? soooo chopped.