I came across this peculiar news story about a hippo eating a dwarf. It's been floating around the internet for a while, though I'm not sure exactly how long.
Google 'hippo eats dwarf' and you'll pull up a bunch of pages. There's even a
band named Hippo Eats Dwarf. The article has been circulating as an image file of a scanned article (click the thumbnail), but here's the text of it:
A hippopotamus has swallowed a dwarf in a circus accident in northern Thailand. "A dwarf, nicknamed Od, died when he bounced sideways from a trampoline and was swallowed by a yawning hippopotamus, which was waiting to appear in the next act," the Pattaya Mail reported. "Vets on the scene said Hilda the Hippo had a gag reflex which automatically caused her to swallow." The vets said it was the first time the hefty vegetarian had ever eaten a circus performer. "Unfortunately, the 1000 plus spectators continued to applaud wildly until common sense dictated there had been a tragic mistake. Police said the trampoline has been sent for forensic analysis."
The one true detail in the story is that the Pattaya Mail
did indeed report this. However, everything else seems far too outlandish to possibly be true. Though, who knows. Weird things can happen.
OMG the poor little thing!..
I hope he goes to heaven!..
Such innocence!..
Awful way to die!..
He's happier in heaven..
Jumping all around there..
Praying for his sweet little soul!
for the love of Dawkins...