USA Today
points out that a "rare time/date alignment" occurs on July 8, 2009 at 4:05 a.m. and 6 seconds. The exact date then will be: 04:05:06 07/08/09.
Does this mean anything? Well, if you ask a tarot card reader, it does. And, of course, that's who USA Today asks:
Although the alignment may not mean anything specific, it could be a good day to do something for yourself and others, said Betsy Carlson, a Palm Springs tarot card reader and numerology expert. "It's a good day to make money and have good health," she said.
John Walkenbach notes, "the article doesn't mention that this is hokey nonsense. It quotes the numerology expert as if she's actually a credible person."
What do the numerologists have to say about that?
the time descends (hour/minute/seconds)
In this case, as John Walkenbach said, they quote a friggin' NUMEROLOGIST as if she has anything logical or rational to say.
Stenography is SO much easier than that stupid "reporting and research" stuff.
Do some of her clientele wake up and say "Today I am going to fire up the barbecue, burn a bunch of money, my neighbor's favorite possessions and then burn myself"?
Floormaster, I too was wondering which days would be BAD days to "do something for yourself and others ... make money and have good health."
Christophe, the fact that most people outside the U.S. write the day before the month in a date only means that USA Today can recycle the same story in its international editions for 7 August, 2009.
By the way, don't you wonder why they never seem to interview phrenologists anymore?
So, at 6:54:32.10 on Aug 7th, it's
9/8/7 6:54:32.10
Now that's a countdown!
That is going by Australian version of the date (7th August, not 8th of July)...