The BBC is reporting that a woman in Iran has given birth to a frog. Doctors are speculating that a frog larva somehow got into her uterus while she was swimming, and then grew inside her to a full-sized frog. That seems very unlikely to me. What would a frog feed on inside a person's body? Wouldn't the frog suffocate? Actually, the brief article seems a bit ambiguous on whether it's definitely a frog that came out of her, or if it's a baby that looks rather frog-like. Either way, this case immediately reminded me of
Mary Toft, the 18th-century English woman who gave birth to rabbits. Of course, Mary Toft didn't really give birth to rabbits. She stuffed rabbits inside herself and then pretended to give birth to them. It seems possible this Iranian woman is pulling a Mary Toft.
BTW, a "frog larva" is a tadpole. They live on algae. No, they couldn't survive inside a human uterus.
Anyway, a picture would be nice to get a better idea.
The BBC does have a sense of humour/the absurd
"While it is unclear how this could have happened..."
and it is accompanied by a picture of a frog (captioned "Tests are being carried out on the frog"), implying this is the frog to which the woman gave birth.
You have to love the way the bbc both distances themselves from the story (An Iraninan newspaper has reported....) and endorses it (by repeating it).
Thanks be to Allah, the blogosphere (with a little google-help) finds the origin of the photo:
credited to Peter Morgan, Reuters.
Unanswered questions (and, in the Beeb story, unasked) include how an Iranian woman gave birth to a Chinese Gliding Frog (distribution according to the Amphibian Species of the World database {search on Polypedates dennysi} is "Southern China west to Sichuan and Guizhou; Myanmar; expected in adjacent Vietnam") or how the particular animial she bore came to be on display in the exhibit "Frogs!" at the American Museum of Natural History in New York
the iranian woman was a little "lonely" and got caught. you have to read quite a bit of the article to get to the relevent section.