Kentaro Mori of
Liquito sent me this picture (click thumbnail to enlarge) of a very fat dog. He says that he found it on a Japanese website. My hunch would be that there's no photo trickery involved here. It really is a very fat dog. Probably comes from the same household as
Munchkin the Monster Cat.
Second, all those health problems, how can you say accuratly that they are caused by being fat. Diebeties is caused when there is more glucose then insulen, iow starch and suger which comes from sweats, grains, and potatoes. Chelesteral gets added into so much food as does so many chemicals which aren't even supposed to be there. And transfats aren't natural, so our body has no clue what to do with it.
And about the whole animals don't have choice or don't get plesure out of food, that is a load of crud. What makes humans so special? I've seen some animals that are so picky that they will only eat one type of food and they can tell if you give them some thing else.
But chances are most of you people are just going to listen to what some scientest says instead of thinking for your self and use common sense.