Status: Real hunt, fake fox
Fox hunts on the day after Christmas (Boxing Day) are a British tradition. However, due to a recent ban on fox hunting, any (legal) hunts this year are going to have to be fake. Which has me a bit puzzled. What does a fake hunt involve? The
UPI report, where I read about these fake fox hunts, simply says that:
Although banned, thousands of fox hunters in Britain took to the trails Monday on horseback for the annual Boxing Day hunt, some of them chasing only scent.
I assume they must be dragging a dead fox to leave its scent for the dogs. Or maybe they have spray bottles (eau de fox). But how does the hunt conclude? After riding around for a while, does everyone just go home? Or do they let the dogs find the dead fox? I wonder how the
Free Church of Country Sports feels about fake fox hunts?
The new breed of legal fox hunts take various forms. The law basically just bans using dogs to kill foxes. Some hunts use hounds to corner or flush out foxes and then shoot them. Others have invested in eagle owls (cheap) or golden eagles (expensive) to kill the fox once its been caught by the foxes. And sometimes the fox just mysteriously dies when a hound kills it.