Here's a question that the world's greatest minds have yet to answer: are pop stars who appear to be dumb really that dumb, or are they just faking it? For instance, does Britney Spears really not know who Yoko Ono is, or is she just pretending not to know in order to cultivate her airhead image and generate free publicity? Nancy Snow, a professor at Cal State Fullerton,
says it's all an act:
"People at that level are always 'on' — they know what they're saying... it's kind of a sweetheart deal between them and the media. It really helps to feed the publicity machine." (via
Sexy Pop Culture)
The girl is such a sweet thing but OMG is she an air head.
to Marty (Rage) Garcia
I've seen the newly weds, jessica isnt really an airhead, she acts like it. i read in a glamour magazine how she said it was all an act...
Oh you read it in a glamor mag so it must be true.