According to US News, one day last April the FBI, acting on a tip from an informant, went on alert to track down an evil reclusive millionaire terrorist mastermind named Don Emilio Fulci who was planning chemical attacks against London and Washington DC. FBI Director Mueller was even informed about the threat that Fulci posed. Only later did someone in the White House realize that Don Fulci is the name of the crime boss in a video game named
Headhunter. I wonder if that day in April happened to be April 1st? (via
There is a game called Headhunter (Sega) and it appears to contain a character called Don Fulci -- I don't know about the "Emilio" part -- but see if you can find any reference to both the game and the character. Yes, I did or at least one of my computers did and if you ask me nicely I might even tell you, but the point is : see how far the willing suspension of disbelief goes these days when the US or it's intelligence agancies are involved ?
A hoax for sure, but who's the laugh on ?
One could imagine the FBI to find a page like this:, that is result number 5 now when searching for "don fulci".