China's official news agency, Xinhua, is claiming that
thousands of dolphins spontaneously decided to protect a fleet of Chinese merchant ships that were being attacked by Somali pirates:
The Chinese merchant ships escorted by a China’s fleet sailed on the Gulf of Aden when they met some suspected pirate ships. Thousands of dolphins suddenly leaped out of water between pirates and merchants when the pirate ships headed for the China’s. The suspected pirates ships stopped and then turned away. The pirates could only lament their littleness befor the vast number of dolphins. The spectacular scene continued for a while.
NY Times is skeptical, though it concedes that the US military has been training dolphins for years, so maybe the Chinese have perfected the use of dolphins as an anti-piracy force.
Maybe they were US Navy dolphins trained to plant mines on the hulls of enemy ships. They call them Flipper, Flipper, faster than liiiiightning,,,,,
Although I'm sure this strikes nascent fear into every red-blooded male: [they could only] "lament their littleness" I know it does for me.
The NY Times definition of 'skeptical' is obviously a lot less stringent than mine 😛.
Maybe they were being telepathically motivated from beyond the grave by Chairman Mao?