Celebrity Look-Alikes

image Fake Faces is a UK look-alike agency that represents a huge number of celebrity impersonators. It's kind of fun to browse through its catalog. As John Robinson of Sore Eyes notes, some of the look-alikes are really, really bad. But some are surprisingly good. For instance, would you be able to tell if that's really Joanna Lumley (of Ab Fab fame) in the thumbnail? It's not. (via Sore Eyes and I Love Everything)


Posted on Sat Apr 17, 2004


This agency has two categories of look-alikes:
(a) People who claim to look like someone I've never heard of; and
(b) People who bear very little resemblence to the celebritites they seem to think they're dead ringers for.

Thanks for pointing me to it. It's a hoot.
Posted by Gary  on  Sat Apr 24, 2004  at  09:26 AM
I am with the Fake Faces agency and I have to say that all lookalikes with the agency are perfectly good. IF they didn't look like the stars, they wouldn't have been accepted to the agency in the first place.
Posted by Chyaz  on  Mon Nov 01, 2004  at  10:30 AM
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