And the winner of the 'contest to pick a contest idea' was... ME!!! Yeah, apparently my proposal to have a caption contest was the overall favorite. So I'll be keeping the copy of the book (at least for now... I'll probably give it away later).
Anyway, now on to the real contest. I've selected an image. The challenge is to think up a caption or accompanying text for the image. Or, if you're so inclined, you can photoshop the image. I don't mind. Just do something creative with it using whatever tools you have at hand (either words or an image editor). But if you photoshop the image, you'll need to upload it to a web server (such as one of the free image hosting sites) so we all can see it.
The prize will be a copy of
A Treasury of Deception by Michael Farquhar ("Liars, Misleaders, Hoodwinkers, and the Extraordinary True Stories of History's Greatest Hoaxes, Fakes, and Frauds"). (I promise I won't award the book to myself in this contest.)
Here's the image:
I'll decide who the winner is on Dec. 20.
'You see what taking drugs does for you? This person is obviously stoned.'
'And this is one of Rodin's most famous scultures, 'Man hit by golf ball.'
field trip admission to a museum $100
trying to explain to a bunch of kids why a petrified giant is touching himself
Alex Boese IS The Cardiff Giant IN "The Display at Farmer's MURDER"!
'If you'd been on display 24 hours a day for the last 8 weeks, you'd be dying for a pee too!'
"But <u>he's</u> touching <u>him</u>self!"
<font color=blue>
All are welcome to visit !
The next, a roving band of school children and a tour guide appear and Jolly Green is petrified with embarrassment.