mock CNN page with news about Bush being arrested in Canada and charged with war crimes has been doing the rounds, and apparently fooling quite a few people. It's pretty well done. The url even looks like it could be the real thing.
Axis of Logic also has a satirical article about Bush being arrested on their site. Apparently the Axis of Logic article got picked up by the Google newsbot and was temporarily posted as a real headline on Google News. Hairy Houdini,
as he promised in the Hoax Forum, sent me a
screen cap of this (Thanks, HH, though unfortunately it doesn't look like your christmas wish will come true). I'm not sure if the mock CNN page and the Axis of Logic article are related in any way.
An international tribunal on Afghanistan last year found Bush guilty of war crimes. No doubt the same will soon happen regarding Iraq (Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the International Red Cross, among others, have all documented torture, assassinations, and other war crimes by U.S. occupation forces in Iraq).
Dictator existence feeds them, without this job they are worthless.
As for the content, I'll sit that argument out, I agree with some things on both sides of the fence.
The International War Crimes Tribunal is not the same thing as the UN, and there is no such office as "the Director of the UN," so you just might want to look for a new information source.
And you might want to learn to lighten up. The man was just making an off-the-cuff remark.
In any case, he's not that far off. Tribunal (much like tribune and tribute) has its roots in the Latin tribus, a word originally referring to three ethnic groups/classes that made up ancient Rome before the Republic.
Why should be ruling because that's how it's supposed to be. King of the hill right... top of the food chain... We should answer to no outside tribunal,we should rule with world with an iron fist like it wants to be. It's just like a four year old; everything is fine until you get a little uppity, then get reprimanded when you think you can do whatever you want. Well a good swift kick in the ass will set you right. You'll grow up to be a fine world with a short haircut and good posture. You'll say please and thank you and you'll know to shut the fuck up when we back hand you because your being a whiny bitch. If we make a mistake along the way, too fuckin bad, everyone does.
All the other members of his first administration, the members of this coming second administration, and all members of congress should equally be put on trial and put to death for their involvment in accepting/supporting the genocide that is going on in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The world will bring down the US. Sooner rather than later.
It's the only way to CURE the US of it's madness.
..they'd have to give Canada the Nobel Peace Prize.
(Up front, I am not a Bush supporter, nor was I a strong Kerry supporter but I voted for him because he was better than any of the other meagre choices)
After observing all the assorted election protests, I was wondering: how many of the vociferous Anti-Bush-the-election-was-stolen-the-country-is-going-to-hell-in-a handbasket activists are actually making a difference by volunteering within their prefered school/social service/policy agency? or financially supporting such groups?
To me, it seems like the pamphleteers, sidewalk shouters, and bloggers are putting their considerable resources to a less than effective method of protest. Wouldn't it be more radical to actually work within the system and fortify the issues Bush is against? Change from within often has longer impact than shouting, no matter how well intentioned it is...
And on the topic --> I too wish this news article were true. Makes me sad just reading it. Life though isn't fair, and sometimes we just have to make the best with what we have, even if what we have is 4 more years of Bush.