Bacon Whores (which is quite safe for work, despite the name) caters to that lucrative niche market of people who enjoy bacon but don't want to cook it themselves. If you're such a person a Bacon Whores employee will come to your house and prepare some bacon for you, for a very reasonable price. You can choose from flavors such as Hickory Smoked, Honey Cured, and Cinnamon Bacon. Their motto is that they provide high quality meat on demand (MOD). The Bacon Whores site is so elaborate that it's almost believable, but after a bit of googling I discovered that it's actually a creation of, which is run by Matthew Vanderzee. It looks like Matthew has been creating hoax websites for the past ten years, at about the rate of one a year. He created Bacon Whores back in 2003. His latest creation is
Frootsoup!, which claims to be one of the world's largest produce-based soup restaurant chains.
I mean, really. "They'll cook your bacon for you." Can you imagine anyone laughing at the idea? Bonsai Kitten must be the zenith of the artform, it worked on so many levels, and this just doesn't....
I'm an artisan & jewelry designer who would LOVE to have someone with THAT MUCH TIME ON THEIR HANDS create a REAL website for me! Art is my forte but my web design skills are severely limited & I don't have much time to learn. Now I'm sad!
Omaha Steaks doesn't come to your house and cook it for you, though. They ship it already cooked.