Angel Light Sees Through Walls

image Troy Hurtubise claims that he's invented a machine, dubbed the Angel Light, that can see through walls. It doesn't really matter what the wall is made of: wood, ceramic, steel, tin, titanium, even lead. The Angel Light can see right through it, just as if a window had opened up in the wall. Of course, he built this thing in his garage (where else?). The idea for the invention came to him in a dream, and he built it without the aid of any blueprints, drawings or schematics. Although Troy may hope to one day be known throughout the world as the inventor of the Angel Light, he's already well known as the inventor of the URSUS MARK VII, a suit that can help a man withstand the attack of a Grizzly Bear (see that suit in the right corner of the thumbnail? That's the Grizzly suit). So from Grizzly Bear suits to Machines That Can See Through Walls. No one can accuse him of not having an interesting resume.


Posted on Tue Jan 18, 2005


The above article refers to this one about "quantum dots" which is a pretty cool article:

..."blue lasers" in PlayStations, "solid state quantum computation," quantum calculations, flourescence spectroscopy (detection of tumors), improved solar cells...quantum dots kick serious A**

It looks like the study at Imperial College basically involves the interaction of lasers and quantum dots under very specialized conditions.

Thanks for posting this Anywho! I'm not anticipating 20%-off-sales of Angel Lights at Radio Shack anytime soon but this stuff is damned interesting any way you slice it.

Now, if we could only get Hurtubise and Kaku, with about a six-pack of Moosehead in each of them, in the same room, talking about quantum dots.
Posted by intjudo  on  Wed Feb 22, 2006  at  12:19 AM
Wow - physicists are manipulating de Broglie waves! and producing "atom lasers" and even "atom holograms".

Clearly science is about to create matter from its fundamental matter wave components. That matter can be made EIT compliant from the get-go -- transparent matter. It'll cost about a billion dollars per ounce and may be unstable -- but hey it's a start.

Troy may or may not have done anything other than stimulate some searching on our part -- but that alone has been very useful. I'm still reeling over the magnitude of whats happening in quantum condensed physics nowadays. This is Star Trek stuff.

(when matter can be manipulated as de Broglie matter waves -- we can start asking philosophical questions about the nature of our [4.5% baryonic] material universe.
Posted by Anywho  on  Wed Feb 22, 2006  at  05:26 AM
To the Forum in general, I wonder what would be the result if i were to say that i had found a technique or technology that would allow information transfer accross lightyears of space without any time lag.?

How about if i were to say that the Mass in our universe was not what produces gravity, even though mass and gravity ARE intertwined.?

I do understand the fact that people WANT TO SEE PROOF, but no proof does not mean that the info or technology is bogus. I myself am skeptical about his claims of the angel light. I want to see a demo too. but i am willing to give the benifit of the doubt. For a time anyway. If the device is indeed dangerous, as claimed, then he is smart to dismantle and discontinue his work on it. remember what happened to the Curie's
Of course, without any additional evidence, yes i would have to say, "in all probability this device is a hoax"
Hell, i will say right now that it probalby IS a hoax, but there is the SLIM chance that he actually stumbled accross some type of revolutionary discovery...
Now, that being said, someone said in a earlier post that if someone claimed that teleportation or star trek type beaming were real they would be a crank or loon( i am paraphrasing here, that is the gist of the post or at least part of it) Well, look up teleportation on google.
Scientists have successfully teleported photons from on place to another. Yes, a far cry from star trek, but the tech has to start somewhere...Oh and as for my first question, if you think that it is not possible and would violate the laws of physics, look up Quantum Entanglment on google. The military and nasa are currently researching both technologys(teleportation and quantum entanglement) for both travel and information transfer respectively.
And my second question, well that is something that is not currently provable with our tech, but it IS a intrical part of current theory(M-Brand theory) which states that gravity is actually leaking INTO our Brane(universe) from another Brane(universe). Why the gravity leaks more in a space occupied by mass is over my head, but it is part of current theory....

just a couple of thoughts and or points....
and speaking of star trek, i saw a article on transparent alluminum not too long ago...don't know the link, but u can look it up..
Posted by WARHAMMER  on  Mon Mar 06, 2006  at  04:00 AM
though troy is the only one with a god-light, he has offerred $20,000 to anyone who can DISprove his claims! now here's why i have a problem with that: i go to my parish priest and say "father, i find myself doubting the exitence of god...please show me proof". and the priest replies "i don't want too, but i'll give you $20,000 if you can prove god does not exist" now how impressed would you be with this preacher?
Posted by geebs  on  Mon Mar 06, 2006  at  02:44 PM
Gents and ladies...having been around an inventor for the past several years, they can be an odd bunch. The fact that any of these inventors that claim they can see through walls have not demonstrated their wares to the public has obvious reasons. Inventions can be "stolen" or portions of them can be "borrowed" by unscrupulous companies. Not to mention that the military interest in these devices would easily quell publicity. The Hermosa, South Dakota company, Realtronics, has fulfilled contracts with the US military. This gives them some credibility, and their invention is not intended for public use but for military and police forces. I agree with those of you who say that you don't have to be from MIT to change the world.
Posted by SuperDave  on  Wed Mar 22, 2006  at  12:44 AM
Indeed, you don't have to be from MIT in order to change the world. I think this discussion has de-generated into a series of truisms and tautologies.

Getting back to Troy and speaking of quantum entanglement, here's a funny quantum thought experiment:

Imagine what it would be like if Troy was offered $20,000 to prove or disprove this (his choice):

Seriously now. I challenge anyone who has observed (or listened to) Troy in his natural habitat, and has read more than three paragraphs of the above link, to make a compelling case that Troy has a snowball's chance in hell of impacting the field of quantum mechanics in any way whatsoever.

Using anything besides truisms, tautologies and cliches ("TTC") to prove your point.

Preferrably with any sort of concrete basis in Troy's accomplishments.

Without making me laugh at you.

Building on my Rant Analyzer, I'm going to add a TTC analyzer to this thread.

You are warned.
Posted by intjudo  on  Wed Mar 22, 2006  at  09:54 PM
I have news for you idiots who think this guy is nuts. The science for his device has just been discovered.

read this:
Posted by JayCee  on  Fri Jul 07, 2006  at  11:19 PM
Two problems, JayCee.

First, that article is rather poorly written. Nowhere in it does it say that the scientists have actually produced a working model based on their "discovery." It's very unclear about exactly what they have accomplished.

Second, since Troy has been very secretive about things, how do you know that he even says that his device works along the same principles that these scientists claim to have discovered?

If Troy Hurtubise really HAS invented something that can see through solids (without using X-rays, of course), then he deserves all the acclaim he can get. It remains to be seen that he has done anything of the kind, though.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Sun Jul 09, 2006  at  02:52 PM
`amused - noone caught the firepaste being called '1313'?
i'm guessing that #1) stuff like this has sorta been researched towards, but with failure
#2) that this guy & namely bay or whatevr is fraud
#3) the illuminati have planted this to find make intelligent people who ARE paying attention to look like gullible morons who listen & believe everything they hear.
#4) if you haven't noticed yet, you should definitely check out the game 'Illuminati - New World Order' that was PRINTED in 1995..
#5) also watch 'Loose Change 2'
#6) watch the pilot episode of 'The Lone Gunmen' (which aired 6 mos before 911)
#7) masonry has created mormons, jehovas witnesses, christian science & scientology (dont take my word for it, and dont be a moron - check it out) the illuminati use the masons alot.
#8) 'cyber wars' is sorta decent.. 'the legend of zoro' mentions the 'knights of aragon' who are trying to take over the world
alex jones i respect... thus far.
Posted by reb with honor  on  Thu Aug 31, 2006  at  05:24 PM
reb said:

"the illuminati have planted this to find make intelligent people who ARE paying attention to look like gullible morons who listen & believe everything they hear."

Uh oh, *someone* lost his tin foil hat!
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Fri Sep 01, 2006  at  01:37 PM
If the angel light works as advertised, why doesn't the military use it to build vehicles from blast resistant materials and use the light to see outside the solid vehicle? Further, why not fix a duplicate light outside the vehicle to "destroy" anything that represents a threat to them in combat?

Just wondering.
Posted by Bob Fraples  on  Sun Sep 24, 2006  at  07:27 PM
"If the angel light works as advertised, why doesn't the military use it to build vehicles from blast resistant materials and use the light to see outside the solid vehicle? Further, why not fix a duplicate light outside the vehicle to "destroy" anything that represents a threat to them in combat?

Just wondering.
Posted by Bob Fraples on Sun Sep 24, 2006 at 05:27 PM"

The military already does built vehicles from blast-resistant materials. But the problem is that the angel light supposedly messes up electronic equipment, and in a tight space like a tank you can't really afford to clear space out for a possibly dangerous, undeveloped angel light when you need as much space as you can get for complex electronics. You also run the risk of power failure, and in such a situation you find yourself in a locked box with no way to see what's outside.

If you have a duplicate light that "destroys" stuff outside, that immediately implies that the light inside would do the same. To your stuff.

And then there's the question of switching it on and off; if you have an angel light continually turned on, and it poses a danger to people, you could harm civilians really easily in a combat situation, and friendly fire isn't out of the question if things get messy. Something that is supposedly as innovative and new as the angel light must be handled with a lot of caution.

I can understand a lot of the doubt here but some of it is coming off as snotty, whiny remarks made by jerks who feel that they can pass judgement on something that they know relatively little about. It's okay to doubt, but it's not okay to say, "Clearly this is absolutely without a doubt impossible." You just can't know one way or the other.
Posted by Katie  on  Mon Dec 04, 2006  at  12:29 PM
OK, how does the angel light know how far into or through an object it is supposed to "see".
Posted by Bob Fraples  on  Mon Dec 04, 2006  at  12:52 PM
Katie said:

"It's okay to doubt, but it's not okay to say, "Clearly this is absolutely without a doubt impossible." You just can't know one way or the other."

That's not correct. We absolutely CAN know if the thing works. The "inventor" just has to submit his "invention" to proper scientific testing. As has been said several times, if it works, Troy Hurtubise will be hailed as one of the greatest inventors of all time and mankind's knowledge base will be advanced.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Mon Dec 04, 2006  at  03:59 PM
To Cranky Media Guy and JoeSixPack (and all other ppl with narrow mindsets and nothing better to do than flame the sh!t out of this board):

*Please* try to adhere to the following list (I'll kinda understand it if you can't, though):

2. Get a life
3. Let the dreamers dream, already!

I, for one, no longer care what happens with Angel Light anymore. You guys killed it for me. Congrats.

Oh, and Happy New Year y'all!
Posted by bored spectator  on  Tue Jan 16, 2007  at  01:30 AM
bored spectator said:

"*Please* try to adhere to the following list (I'll kinda understand it if you can't, though):

2. Get a life
3. Let the dreamers dream, already!"

So, this board is all about YOU? Sorry, Dude, you don't have the power or authority to tell me or anyone else here what they can or can't do.

I'm flattered that you think I have the ability to stop dreamers from dreaming, but that isn't what this about at all. The discussion is about whether or not Hurtubise's invention can or can't do what he claims it can.

If your little balloon was punctured by REALITY, it's YOUR problem, not mine.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Tue Jan 16, 2007  at  06:43 AM
I think you revealed a lot more about yourself than you intended to. You want to live in a world in which the things you fantasize about exist, even when all the available FACTS indicate that they don't.

I used to be like that too. Then I grew up.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Tue Jan 16, 2007  at  06:44 AM
Heyy easy, stay on topic. This isnt about who killed what for who, or who is being a stupid twat about what.
Posted by Easy  on  Wed Jan 17, 2007  at  04:01 AM
Wow! 360 pages and counting! And to think I only read the first 9..

Cranky Media Guy, glad to see you're still posting.. As for your 2 responses to bored spectator, I invite you to consider the possibility that you may be held in the same view.

I came here to read intelligent discussion & found what I considered to be mainly bashing.
OK, so people don't believe him. OK, so some may.

Maybe I'm wrong here, but when I do not believe someone I simply say I do not believe and give my points (no need to shout). I do not go calling the man a liar because he hasn't proved himself.

I agree in principle to the indisputable proof of demonstration and its need in science, but to gain a direction in research you must either have a known technology to evolve from or (and this is the point) an idea to theorise.

Troy may believe that he has something groundbreaking.
He may believe he's onto something, but can't fully turn theory into fact.
Or maybe it is a complete hoax.
Maybe he once thought he had it working, shot his mouth off then found it didn't work like he thought and has to bluff..

To justify himself, I agree that proof it currently works is required.
On the other hand, to justify calling him a liar I say prove that it doesn't.
Absense of evidence is not evidense of absence.

I personally believe that Troy has a passion for inventing, probably nothing more. But to brand him a hoax without disproving him is wrong.

There is precious little proof either way at this time. Maybe in 200 years someone will pick up his failed work and apply it to science currently out of our grasp, who knows? The concept is already being explored more widely than one lone "cracked-pot"

Correct me if I'm out of line, but 360 pages is a bit excessive to say (and shout) "show me proof"
And to have the stamina to wade through such a massive post implies a need for proof, or at least affirmation of some kind 😉
Contact him directly and demand he demonstrates the device to you if so vehemently skeptical.

To believe something is possible is not the same as know it is fact.
As for Troys claims, I do not currently believe his gun works as he says but I feel he believes it could.
At least he is applying himself and highlighting the concept, albeit if only met with derision.
Posted by Captain Moose  on  Fri Jan 19, 2007  at  08:26 PM
Every night I am visited via my dreams by an Invisible Pink Unicorn who has given me precise instructions for bringing perfect happiness to every single person on earth forever.

Unfortunately I cannot remember the precise instructions once I wake up.

I have been in touch with "Japan" and the French Government and they understand the importance of obtaining the contents of my dreams. They are working on technology to implant into my brain to record the dreams. Unfortunately the current version of the dream recording technology will destroy my precious brain in the process.

I can't say anything more about it except that "Japan" and the French Government have put the technology behind closed doors, and they're trying to find a way to record my world-saving dreams without destroying my amazing brain.

One day, when the technology is perfected, my dreams will be recorded, we'll get the instructions from the Invisible Pink Unicorn and I will thus save the world.

Until then, I'm simply going to ask all y'all to take everything I say at face value. You can't disprove me, so if you have any doubts about my story you are obligated to withhold judgement until someone proves me right or wrong.

NO FAIR MAKING FUN OF ME!!! If you do you're a negative, defeatist, cynical party-pooping poop-head.

And to all the hopers, dreamers and positive thinkers out there with the "can do" attitudes and the open minds: speculate away, and stay tuned! The instructions from the IPU may someday make all of your hopes and dreams come true.
Posted by intjudo  on  Sat Jan 20, 2007  at  03:06 PM
I believe you, intjudo. After all, no one EVER just makes up a story about something as fantastic as that.

You are correct. You don't have to prove anything; your word should be enough. It's up to the skeptics to DISPROVE your claims.

Since it's virtually impossible to completely disprove the existance of something, you win by default. It's SO obvious!
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Sun Jan 21, 2007  at  02:35 PM
Now that's what I call a post! 😉

Making fun don't have to be slander..

These IPUs intjudo, you've spoke of them before..
You never said how big they are, or exacly how pink?
If they're real, can I buy one?
If they're not, can I help fund you anyway? All I want is one when you finally remember the rest of the dream. Oh, and a sliver of the percentage?
I remember a dream about purple rhinos once and I get a gut feeling when I think "silly putty", but then again I have a thing about putty..
Posted by Captain Moose  on  Sun Jan 21, 2007  at  08:31 PM
Oh, and err.. Don't tell my wife about the putty fetish, she'll kill me (again)
Posted by Captain Moose  on  Sun Jan 21, 2007  at  08:34 PM
I only read the first 6 pages of comments and this last one. Has anyone posted this link to an old scoop Phil Novak was working on? I'm sure it was a very compelling article.
Posted by malkms  on  Mon Jan 22, 2007  at  04:36 AM
It never happened.
No one saw anything.
I don't exist.

lol, what's new?
Posted by Captain Moose  on  Mon Jan 22, 2007  at  11:51 AM
*How* pink? Well lemme just meta-quote this quote from

""I quote from Hoofprints 4:14 (by the prophet Ixian):

Yea, and I was given by inspiration that She was
next to me, and I could touch Her, being the loyal
servant, and I laid my hand upon Her mane, and
She *was* Pink. She was not pink, She was not
colourless, but She *felt* Pink, and I was thus
overcome. I awoke later with a hangover, but I
knew She was *yet* Pink, but invisible.""

No, you can't buy one, and it turns out there is only one IPU...alas for my naivet
Posted by intjudo  on  Mon Jan 22, 2007  at  11:21 PM
I was researching Ground Penetrating Radar when I stumbled onto this thread last year (I forgot what name I was using -- maybe this one?) Anyway, having also a hobby for events in quantum physics -- and it's absolute wierdness -- allowed me to at least consider the topic here. That lead me to the EIT phenomena (electromagnetically induced transparency re: ) Without this thread I wouldn't have ever known about it. I hope others have found this thread equally stimulating.

Angel Light has had some effect after-all eh? Also, what-with 11-D string-theory, parallel universes, Universal Branes -- I now know that We don't know much of anything at-all. Only 4.5% of the Universe is what we know as matter (95% is currently undetectable and unknown stuff!) The list goes on.

Still, We feeble humans can't progress without some means of sharing and verifying our discoveries. That's currently called "The Scientific Method" -- and Troy refuses to play that game -- so we'll never know if he stumbled onto anything. Still I'm too humbled by real science to mock even fake science. Troy caused me to explore a bit more.
Posted by Ronpin  on  Tue Jan 23, 2007  at  05:04 AM
Glad someone spoke of the Universe. There's a lot of stuff being learned & discovered, but rarely applied to terrestrial science. It is brainmelting tho for the uninitiated (like me)

IPU.. Faith & Logic beautifully balanced.
It does seem that IPU does slip into the plural sometimes. Are these translation errors from the first writings?

I Saw Her. I Kinda Saw Her. I Definitely Saw Something. I Believe.
Posted by Captain Moose  on  Tue Jan 23, 2007  at  07:10 AM
Here's the latest on Troy Hurtubise:
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Wed Feb 07, 2007  at  01:32 AM
History is full of inventions of all kinds (arts and science) where the source of the knowledge is sudden and complete and mysterious. He would not be the first inventor laughed at. He is in very good company.
Posted by maria griffin  on  Fri Apr 06, 2007  at  02:52 PM
Maria Griffin said:

"History is full of inventions of all kinds (arts and science) where the source of the knowledge is sudden and complete and mysterious. He would not be the first inventor laughed at. He is in very good company."

Maria, the fact that other people whose inventions or discoveries were later vindicated in no way "proves" that Troy's "invention" is legitimate.

To paraphrase something that Carl Sagan once said, they laughed at Galileo, they laughed at Copernicus. They also laughed at Bozo the Clown.

Either Angel Light works or it doesn't. If it turns out that it DOES work, then the people (like me) who have laughed at Troy owe him an apology. It hasn't been demonstrated that it DOES work, however, so that just isn't relevant.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Fri Apr 06, 2007  at  05:51 PM
I just think its funny that the fools who've spent the better part of a decade studying theory and spending their parents money on second rate engineering degrees have the nerve to laugh at this guy. How stupid would they look if the garage inventor with no training and funding managed to have the one thing that qualifications can't get you; An Original Idea. Well I suppose there's plenty of time to think about it while you are designing yet another paper-weight for the betterment of humanity.
Posted by Tom  on  Wed Oct 03, 2007  at  02:35 PM
Tom said:

"How stupid would they look if the garage inventor with no training and funding managed to have the one thing that qualifications can't get you; An Original Idea."

How stupid would those biologists and zoologists with their dumb scientific training look if it turned out that pigs CAN fly, huh?

It's that "if" stuff that gets you every time, isn't it?

No one questions that Troy has an IDEA. What he doesn't have is PROOF.

As I said in my last posting, IF Troy's device works, we all owe him an apology. Unfortunately, that hasn't been shown yet. If's don't mean squat.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Wed Oct 03, 2007  at  03:24 PM
All the information on the internerd is derived from the same article, and it wreaks of hoax.
Troy doesn't seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I'm not suggesting he intentionally misleads people either.
If you have a good look at the pictures & read the equipment included, it seems to be all off-the-shelf stuff.
A black light (UV), red light, white light & fluoro (blue?).
Seven lasers, which suggest to me, combined to make white laser.
A microwave & carbon dioxide mixed with plasma.
(A microwave can make plasma but unless they mean red hemoglobin I don't think you can just bottle plasma).
Some glass that sits mostly outside the unit & appears rather superfluous.
Some more carbon dioxide & more plasma rods.
The plasma rods can be bought (almost) from party shops.
Look at the photos, see how these things are incorporated & it's hard to see how you could get anything useful out of it. And given that it's unshielded it's probably potentially quite dangerous to be around.
As if you would put your hand in front of it! I imagine Troy looking down the barrel to see if his gun is loaded!
Far from an "angel light" it sounds more like the "laser from hell".
Posted by Oracle  on  Mon Oct 29, 2007  at  01:07 PM

You will enjoy this one...

I am the one who sold shares of the Pope's soul on E-Bay! This, as I am told made national news although I have not confirmed this. It is likely that some from FOX will recall my remote viewing work as perhaps the aforementioned sales. As a remote viewer, my work scared the nuts off of their jesus working on camera for a producer from Los Angeles, CA (see ISO).

I need not tell you that to make the national news represents the Holy Grail for which all pranksters both fear and lustfully seek. So far I have achieved success being "healed" of priapism* by no less than three television (live) evangelists, inspired the hanging/ mangled santa displays across the nation, and other forms of mindless hilarity.

Perhaps my greatest moment had been realized when at last several knee-bent christians were seen on national television praying as directed to heal my body of priapism!

Hint: To pass most television evangelist phone screeners, use the money card. Offer to return to jesus every dime you have for personal "redemption" and "sacrifice", etc. This will work most of the time and if not, keep trying. Remember that patience, perseverance, and persistence alone will account for the greatest chance of success.

Stay legal, hurt no one, be fearless, and have fun!

The Holy Prankster's Creed:

In life, it is better to regret the things that you have done rather than to regret the things you have not.

There is always another mountain!


Aaron C. Donahue

*Priapism is a medical condition that refers to the sustained erection of a penis.
Posted by Aaron C. Donahue  on  Wed Jan 02, 2008  at  10:04 PM
Oh come on, the guy is pursuing something that he thinks-as well as I- will work. If this does work then do you know how this will change physics and history? Not to mention this could help the goverment finish their light-bending machines. This guy, no offense, is trying to rewrite history and no matter how he suffers from a loss of money, it's worth it to him because that bear suit has helped the study of bears for years, and if his project trojan would have lifted more than a foot from the ground, he would have been the most famous man ever.
Posted by Taylor Carpenter  on  Tue Jan 22, 2008  at  12:11 AM
Taylor Carpenter said:

"If this does work then do you know how this will change physics and history?
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Tue Jan 22, 2008  at  01:10 AM
I actually knew Troy for a few years.

He was going to Fleming College in Lindsay ON, taking a natural resourses course and living at the same place as a friend of mine.

Me and my buddy and Troy, and several other interesting folks, would routinely go to the Grand Hotel for some refreshing beverages and talk about the bear suit. It was actually my friend and I, both being design/engineering types, that helped him overcome problems with BearSuit#1, and another friend of ours, Dean, who was his camera guy in the tree at the first tests.

So let me say this: Troy is as nutty as chrismas cake. We'd get a few beers into us and he'd go outside, naked, at -20F, and claim to be not only impervious to cold but because he firmly believed that he was a Native Indian Ninja (oh ya!) and he could become invisible. He'd spend our walks home skulking through the neighbours shrubbery "being invisible", (no really, he actually claimed to be able to be invisible) with a 9" bowie knife clenched in his teeth. A touch of psycho there indeed.

There's much more but I'll save him the embarasment. He's fully capbable of embarasing himself - were it not that he's impervious only to criticism. Purely crazy.

My bet: the divice in question has some kind of "priming" unit such as a wireless camera involved.
Posted by animatix_musica  on  Wed Jan 30, 2008  at  08:47 AM
The amount of knowledge that has been hypothesized, tested, refined, and compiled in the pure physics world is enormous and the gross bulk engineering world's performance at adapting what they think they know to it is pathetic. Electrical and electronic engineering materials used today in 2008 read like slight modifications of texts from fifty years ago. Whenever someone has an epiphany and puts basic physics to use in engineering in a novel way, everyone reacts either that he's a loon or a genius up there with Einstein. What do you want from a world that thinks that recycling bacon grease into jet fuel is a sustainable answer? (Hello, American Heart Association, please sod off. We need people to eat fattening foods so they can drive an industry to cart their ever increasing rear ends across the sky...)

From the description of the device he's thrown together I can only guess, but if I had to, he's probably accidentally hit on a quirky way to efficiently affect/modify the behavior of electron shells. It would explain why his light doesn't keep on going through the car past the wall, and why there would be health effects. Every atom and molecule absorbs energy most efficiently at a given set of frequencies. This is why laser beams are at a frequency based on the material used (chromium in ruby, CO2, etc.). He tunes it one way and it interferes with some organic chemistry at the cellular level unhealthily, another way it affects a different material better. He could see part way through his hand he said.

There's LOTS of weird ramifications to quantum mechanics and electrodynamics beyond whether black holes evaporate, and probably both more useful and dangerous and immediately applicable to human civilization than nuclear weapons.
Posted by Like You Care  on  Tue Feb 05, 2008  at  06:13 PM
Like You Care said:

"From the description of the device he's thrown together I can only guess, but if I had to, he's probably accidentally hit on a quirky way to efficiently affect/modify the behavior of electron shells."

The key word in that sentence is "guess." That's exactly what you're doing.

If Troy truly has invented a machine which can see through walls, all he has to do is DEMONSTRATE it. If he can do that, all the doubters (myself included) will have to concede that he's one of the great inventors of history. Until he does that simple thing, there is every reason to question his extravagant claims.

The fact that other people in the past have done things which were previously believed to be impossible in no way proves that Troy has done the same. Evidence. Let's see some evidence.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Wed Feb 06, 2008  at  01:03 AM
WOW, I just found out about Angel Light and stumble on this whole shout box about it.

If he wants to be known by people, there he has succeeded.

I was thinking it was a bit far fetched of a plan and why haven't I seen it on the news yet?

Oh well, if hes onto somthing good luck to him.

Hope it works out for you Troy 😉
Posted by I3lueVein  on  Wed Mar 26, 2008  at  06:29 PM
Wow, I find it difficult to imagine people can actually believe this guy. Basic physics people...
Posted by Ulrich  on  Sat May 03, 2008  at  02:49 PM
i can imagine coming back to this talkback in a few years and find cranky media guy still going on about what a hoax it is and snarkely bashing anyone who suggests slightly otherwise. i think that by now everyone knows what your long winded stance is on this. so here's your pat on the back buddy, you certainly told everyone so oh deity of all that is logical and last sane person on earth that you are. everyone gets their jollies somehow, whether it's making up seemingly impossible claims, believing in such impossible claims, or combating everyone who believes those claims endlessly until the end of time in a small pocket of the internet i may never remember to find my way back to. i hope that when you find this comment addressed to you you'll get that little thrill that only opposition to your logic in this talkback can give you
Posted by vlad  on  Sun Nov 23, 2008  at  12:44 AM
Gee, Vlad, as for me allegedly constantly commenting here, uh, let's check the facts. My previous comment is dated Feb. 6th, 2008. Today is Nov. 23. Yup, I'm ALWAYS here, putting my two cents in, all right!

Now, do you have anything on the topic of Angel Light to contribute?
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Sun Nov 23, 2008  at  02:38 AM
Well golly garsh darn gee, Crank, as for you allegedly constantly commenting here, uh, let's check the facts. Uh, your first comment is dated uh, Sun Jan 23, 2005 at 04:25 AM. Uh, your previous comment is dated Sun Nov 23, 2008 at 01:38 AM, uh, not even 2 hours after I took you to task for being obsessed with snarky conflict on this talkback. Yup, you really are ALWAYS here, putting your two cents in, all right, uh!
Posted by vlad  on  Sun Nov 23, 2008  at  09:34 AM
Wow, vlad...the manner in which you are accusing CMG of being snarky sure is...snarky.

As for CMG's alleged obsessiveness...this is just a guess, but it's likely CMG has subscribed to email notifications for new entries into this thread...not because he is "obsessive" but because he is interested in rationalism/skepticism in generaly, and is interested in applying it to the Angel Light in particular. As am I.

I can offer additional context: this site is called "The Museum of Hoaxes." The whole point of this site is that skepticism is an invaluable tool when it comes to evaluating unproven claims, particularly in the case of unproven extraordinary claims.

If you want to engage in unstructured speculation, without the inconvenience of having to back your speculations with evidence, proof, a prove-able hypothesis etc. then...there are other sites out there full of like-minded people.

If not, I would repeat CMG's question: other than personal attacks on CMG, do you have anything to contribute to the topic of the Angel Light?

Posted by intjudo  on  Sun Nov 23, 2008  at  08:39 PM
Intjudo said:

"As for CMG's alleged obsessiveness...this is just a guess, but it's likely CMG has subscribed to email notifications for new entries into this thread...not because he is "obsessive" but because he is interested in rationalism/skepticism in generaly, and is interested in applying it to the Angel Light in particular."

Bingo on all counts.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Mon Nov 24, 2008  at  12:24 AM
Isn't this a terrahertz device?
Posted by Chris  on  Tue Jun 02, 2009  at  08:44 AM
The technology to see through walls is well understood. The technology uses something that can be described as spread-spectrum radar.

Electromagentic waves can travel through a wide range of materials depending on their frequency. If you have a wide spectrum of EM waves all aimed in the same direction, then you effectively have a large set of radar devices concurrently operating each one invisible to most but not all materials.

The claim that we can see things like Superman X-Ray vision seems a bit much, I would think it would look a lot like a sonogram, but with enough software you could generate something that looks like the new 4-D ultrasounds you can now get for your fetus.
Posted by Booyah Johnson  on  Wed Sep 16, 2009  at  06:51 AM
First post of 2010......
This guy keeps claiming new amazing inventions but also keeps going bust, if his pastes etc are that good then why isn't he patenting them and being sold in shops? I'd buy it if the claims were true.
As for Angel Light has anyone apart from this guy ever seen it working? No video, no photo's no nothing to back his claim, therefore, it's BS.
Posted by Lord Farqua  on  Mon Jan 11, 2010  at  07:22 PM
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