90-year-old Kung Fu Master Does Finger Stand

Status: Fake
image Check out this video of Monk Hai-Tank (wmv file). He's 90-years-old, but he still has "finger skill." Which means that he can stand upside-down supported by only one finger. The video obviously has to be fake. I assume they're supporting him with invisible wires. Special effects like this are pretty standard in kung-fu movies. (via Ceticismo Aberto)

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Posted on Wed Jan 18, 2006


I would much like a LOGICAL response to this. Ihave been reading about comments like flying.Obviously This is quite illogical because humans don't have wings.If i went to China and gave a monk a video about 9/11 Would they think it's real? And i guess japan didn't think the atom bomb was real right? Like people believe that robots can't be real right?WRONG! Anyone hear about the SALEM WITCH TRIALS? I'm pretty the girls that accused those people died and were witches?Am I right? But this is other shit right now. This is the 21st century. There are cars not horses. we got skyscrapers not little house made out of sticks and mud. Fuck we got robots!Robots people! I am a 14 year old kid in america and i definitly know what most americans are like especially the old ones. Ignorant. These shao-lin trained since hey were little kids.hardening there bodies.What the fuck were u doing when u were 10. oh right you were in school fucking around and talking!I believe anything can happen in the future especially some old on one finger!
Posted by Rise Do  on  Sat May 05, 2012  at  01:04 PM
This is Monk Hai Tank, of the revered Shaolin Temple, he is known for being a master in the ancient art of kung-fu. Being able to do a hand stand on one finger against a wall means that a master is at the peak of his training and has complete mastery over the skill. This isn't fake, he actually exists and can do this in his old age, because the training of the Shaolin is a way of life. It doesn't end just because you get old.
Posted by Asian  on  Sat Apr 27, 2013  at  08:54 AM
This thread has been going on for years and in all that time, the "proof" of an ancient man being able to stand on one finger is "You can't prove that he can't do it." Wow, that's all you have?

Again, here's how it works in the Real World: If you make an extraordinary claim, YOU have to provide the proof. Period. If I claim that I can fly under my own power, I have to prove it. You do NOT have to prove that I can't. Get it?

Simply repeating over and over the same old crap about how people in the East can do amazing things because...well, because of something or other that Westerners cannot understand is NOT proof. No matter how many times you repeat it or how many times you rephrase it. Throwing around terms like "Chi" or "Shaolin" isn't proof of anything either. Sorry. You have to do better than that.
Posted by Cranky Media Guy  on  Sun Apr 28, 2013  at  12:56 PM
Look up the American monk Heng Sure in berkely California. He is a disciple of Hsuen Hua who was the founder of the city of ten thousand Buddhas is ukia California. Heng Sure had the opportunity to meet Hai Tank before his passing when Hai Tank visited Hsuen Hua in ukia california, he can tell you about his experience with the old monk. Heng Sure is not a martial arts fanatic and has no bias for or against shaolin so you can have an honest whiteness. Other than that there is no way to verify the credibility of the feat performed in the video because the old monk is no longer with us, amitabha. I can say that Heng Sure is a man of solid integrity and a reliable witness. To be honest, if you hang around in the right circles, seeing an old man stand on one finger isn't that big of a surprise.
Posted by Robert  on  Tue Apr 30, 2013  at  08:57 AM
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