There's a well known urban legend about the phone number 867-5309. Supposedly phone companies no longer issue this number to customers because of the popularity of that Tommy Tutone song from the '80s, "Jenny (867-5309)", about a guy trying to call a girl named Jenny whose number he sees on a wall. Dan Wiki (not sure if that's really his last name) set out to prove this urban legend wrong. How?
By dialing every 867-5309 in the country. He got a list of all the area codes and set to work. The results are posted on his site. He lists in bold the numbers for which someone claiming to be Jenny actually answered. I couldn't resist calling some of the numbers for myself. All my results were identical to his.
My boyfriend had a recycled number when he got his cell a few years ago, and he kept getting calls from drunk girls asking for "Steve" and then insisting that he was there and they had to talk to him. In the middle of the night. It was explained to them that Steve was a loser and couldn't pay his phone bill. Eventually they left us alone. It was fun while it lasted.
Had a similar experience James, only it was one girl that kept calling over and over again, ironically for Steve. I finally put on a gay accent and told her he's just not interested in her.
"gay accent"--come on, don't make me lecture you. 😊
But it does kind of seem like there's a possibility of an epidemic of Steve's who have problems paying their bills.
As far as the topic of the post, wouldn't it have been easier for the guy to call phone companies requesting information about this?
Phone companies may not be so willing to give out very much information because of privacy laws. On the other hand, they have no problem selling your information to businesses.
God my teeth itch.