Do the new graphics on boxes of Haribo's Maoam fruit chews show scenes of explicit sex? The members of St. Blasien Jesuit College think they do, and have
publicly complained about them. The boxes depict various fruits frolicking with a blobby lime-colored creature. Are the scenes as bad as the college says? Well, you've got to admit that the College has a point. After all, what is that lemon doing with the lime-blob? Even Haribo admits that the packaging is "very racy." So my guess is that the sexual overtones are deliberate. But on the other hand, we
are just talking about fruits and a lime blob. So maybe all of us who think the lemon and lime-blob are getting it on, just have dirty minds. The controversy reminds me of that
rogue tin of Huntley & Palmers biscuits, but on a much larger scale.
Update: The story gets even better. Turns out that the faculty of the Jesuit College never complained about the racy candy packaging. The letter of complaint actually was
"a hoax perpetrated by pupils at the school who admitted writing it and posting it on the Internet 'as a joke'." The German tabloid press found the letter, thought it was real, and reported it as news. You gotta love the tabloids. Of course, this still doesn't answer the question of just what is that lemon doing with the lime-blob?
And of course every kid eating these sweets will think: "hmmm, that looks like a lemon and a lime fornicating", "hmmm, those cherries look like balls being licked". Those kids are doomed!
I think it's just great tongue in cheek.
But this is just the thing where I think: After this blows over the members of the St. Blasien Jesuit College can all go back to their childporn collecting.
It's gonna go but I mean it.
But you know: even my boss tells me about his priest putting his hand down boys pants when he was an altarboy. All those sex scandals..in the States too.....Who are they to critize a few tongue in cheek drawings which will be understood only by adults anyway!
I'm going to have to stop, because the next thing is about religion fuelling a lot of wars...technically thats dwelling from the subject.
Makes me wonder what sort of woman they usually sees... because I've yet to se a woman looking like a lemon.
It ia a gay party, I guess.
It is the wrong site, the college is near to BONN and on the page it says BASEL.
Kolleg St. Blasien e.V.
What have we learned here? That is obviously a depiction of alien 'bacteria' engaged in little fun fornication with the variety of tempting fruits grown here on earth. I think the aliens left it here as a little gag when they were last attempting to steal our sun.
MAOAM is pronounced: Ma (like mum without the 2nd m)- oh - um (like mum without the first m)
And an other funny fact is that St. Blasius might be an existing place and name...but having in mind that "blasen" ist the german word for blowing (would make the name St Blowious in english)...i guess I'm not the only one who thinks it's funny that the hoax letter about "explicit drawings" came from a place that makes one think of a blowjob *g*
maoam sure is tasty though.
I seriously hope that was sarcasm.
Clearly they did as much research on this as they do for their other laughable excuses for 'news'.
Third, the school was found by catholic friars. It's a private catholic, international school, students belonging every religion can go to.
They're have to sit in evangelical or catholic religious education lessons, and when they are in boarding school (students which are living next to can go home after lessons), they have to go to church (a cathedral, it's part of the building) every sunday morning, doesn't matter, they believe in god, or not. Now, a ordinary principal leads the school, exactly like every other in germany, the monastery is a separate part. Unfortunately 30 years ago some fathers of the Jesuit Order have sexually abused boys(throughout Germany). Most of them are prisoned, one has submerged in the USA. Now, abusing students is almost impossible..I think pupils are save.
The Students had a cool humor, they wasn't serious with sending the letter to Haribo and don't even wanted to make it public.