Hoax Museum Blog: Urban Legends

Flatulent Technologies — Flatulent Technologies is a company that is committed to "extracting energy from everything that stinks or rots." Sounds like a great idea. The company's NYSE ticker symbol is even better: FART. Too bad a little disclaimer at the bottom of the company's webpage admits it's a parody.
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004.   Comments (2)

Kensington Runestone — The Kensington Runestone, unearthed in Minnesota in 1898 and hailed as evidence of the presence of Norse explorers in ancient America, is off on a grand tour. First stop Sweden.
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004.   Comments (0)

Real Dog — Why own a living, breathing dog that you have to feed every day, when you can own a RealDog instead?
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004.   Comments (2)

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004.   Comments (0)

Fake UFO Photos — How to fake a UFO photo, courtesy of Skeptical Inquirer.
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004.   Comments (0)

Mokele-Mbembe — The Arizona Republic has a short piece on Mokele-Mbembe, the African Loch Ness Monster.
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004.   Comments (0)

Majestic Twelve — Anson also sent along a second site: Majestic Twelve. This is the webpage of a super-above-top secret organization that may or may not cooperate with aliens in the abduction of human beings.
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004.   Comments (0)

Haggis Hunt — Here's an interesting hoax website, courtesy of Anson Kennedy. It's haggishunt.com, which punctures the common misconception that a haggis is a sheep's stomach stuffed with meat and oatmeal. In reality (according to this site) a haggis is an extremely rare animal hunted by the Scottish. The site offers many educational haggis facts, such as that the sound the haggis is most sensitive to is plaid rubbing on underpants (I never knew!). And definitely check out the Haggis Cam.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004.   Comments (0)

Where Is My Gnome, Part 2 — A lot of people have been emailing me to let me know that the Where Is My Gnome site is part of a viral web campaign by Travelocity, but I've been too busy and never got around to updating that entry. But here's an article that explains the Gnome campaign.
Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004.   Comments (2)

Foil Prank — foilMan leaves town and returns home to find everything in his apartment covered in tinfoil, everything except one lone book titled Cruel Tricks for Dear Friends.
Update: The Black Table has posted an interview with the guy who actually dreamed up and carried out the foil prank, Lucas Trerice.
Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004.   Comments (0)

Office Prank — priceless April Fool's Day Office Prank. "Priceless."
Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004.   Comments (0)

Mario 3 Time Attack Video — A 'time attack' video has been going around that appears to show someone completing every level of Mario 3 perfectly in 11 minutes. If you're a fan of Mario 3 it's apparently quite impressive. Unfortunately, the video is a fake.
Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004.   Comments (2)

Go Lamers — Would you take a ride with a bus company called Lamers? It sounds like a joke, but it's not. It's just a company with an odd name.
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004.   Comments (2)

Philanderers International — Here's another site that makes you wonder if it's real or fake: Philanderers.com. It's a service to help people who are married have extramarital affairs. My first thought was that it was a joke. But upon looking around it for a while, it appears legitimate. I wonder if any single people use this who want to have an affair with someone who's married? And here's an evil thought: if you ever try to cancel your membership, they could threaten to tell your spouse.
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004.   Comments (114)

Taliban Reunited — Have a hankering to find out what your old terrorist chums are up to now that Afghanistan is occupied by the American military? Then check out Taliban Reunited, the site that lets terrorists get reacquainted with their former friends and acquaintances.
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004.   Comments (0)

Vixen Love — If you're ever instant messaging on AOL and strike up a conversation with a 19-year-old female from California named Vixen Love, watch out. You're not really talking to a teenage girl. Vixen Love is actually a computer program. Quite a few people apparently have failed to realize this.
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004.   Comments (0)

Jim Morrison — Is this an image of the ghost of Jim Morrison? Or is it just a stray beam of sunlight?
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004.   Comments (6)

Fake Sick Days — According to this survey, 33% of workers will fake that they're sick in order to get a day off in January. I'm surprised that the number isn't higher.
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004.   Comments (0)

Fake Soccer Team — The El Salvadorean soccer team showed up in Zimbabwe to play a game against the team from Zimbabwe. Just one problem. It wasn't the El Salvadorean team. It was just a bunch of players masquerading as the national team. The score, by the way, was a tie: 0-0. This reminds me of the Moscow Philharmonic Hoax.
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004.   Comments (0)

Memory Erasure — Lacuna, Inc. is a company that will erase troubling memories from your mind using a "painless non-surgical memory erasing process." But the site is actually part of the advertising campaign for an upcoming movie, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, starring Jim Carrey.
Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2004.   Comments (0)

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