CNN Viral Marketing
Posted By:
Apr 27, 2005
I just came across a blog entry by Nick Lewis where he exposes what he identified as a viral ad campaign by CNN. It involved posting 'replies' to blogs that mentioned CNN that agree with the author, then advocate that readers go and see for themselves just how bad CNN's programming has become. It also looks like the replies were seeded with enough keywords to get the page 'black-listed' on search engines, which acts to cut down the amount of anti-CNN posts that can be found.
Of course, it's not necessarily CNN that did this; it could easily be a competitor (Fox comes to mind), or just someone out practicing their viral marketing skills. The author of the blog assesses that it is most likely a CNN campaign, especially as it shut down almost immediately after being discovered.
Note: This thread is located in the Old Forum of the Museum of Hoaxes.