Mexican “Illegal Immigration” comic?
Posted By:
Jan 09, 2005
Anybody think its real? I've seen it floating around, but...
The Curator
in San Diego
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 | 01:38 PM
It seems to be real. Even the NY Times has an article about it today:
LAST month, the Mexican government published and distributed a comic-book-style pamphlet, offering advice to those who cross its border illegally into the United States, about a million people a year.
The booklet, "Guide for the Mexican Migrant," immediately drew fire in the United States from some members of Congress and from groups that favor tightening immigration laws. These critics called the 31-page publication a how-to manual for illegal aliens, which blatantly encourages people to break United States law. |
Note: This thread is located in the Old Forum of the Museum of Hoaxes.