John Kerry?
Posted By:
Aug 29, 2004
I got an e-mail today that said he switched John 3:16 with John 16:3 in a recent speech. It seems like I had already heard that about someone else 4 years ago in the last election? Fact or fiction?
Category: ; Replies: 2
Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 | 08:48 AM
This one is being said about both Kerry and Bush. It was also said about Al Gore... interesting thing is that everything seems to point that the original person who might have actually done this (though it's still doubtful in my opinion) was George Bush Senior... anyways, I believe there is something up on about it (I'm too lazy to look though, lol :p) |
Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 | 08:50 AM
Well, looky here, I got off my butt: |
Note: This thread is located in the Old Forum of the Museum of Hoaxes.