Chemtrail or contrail
Posted By:
Aug 13, 2004
Is thier a goverment plot to blanket the sky with thin cloud cover ? to hold off global warming ? To inocculate the population ? to poison us ? for mind control ? weather control ? Just look up once in a while and you will see tic tac toe patterns over blue skies. or X shaped or even just rows of Contrails also known as Chemtrails in the sky. As opposed to normal contrails from high flying jets these trails are sprays that stay around for four or more hours. When is the last time you saw blue sky and not a hazey looking mess. Something is going on thats for sure. Early morning I see the white jets out laying a tic tac toe pattern above my house at 6 AM. over the course of the morning the pattern spreads covering the sky with a haze. Google Chemtrial to find out more. What do you Think ? Where did all the blue sky go ?
Category: ; Replies: 11
Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 | 05:59 PM
Ya know, I was really kinda bored reading this until I spotted the Land Hurricanes remark. Really brightened up an otherwise boring day at work!
Gotta love them wackos. 😊 |
Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 | 11:38 AM
some one is a wacko if they want to know what planes are spaying in the skies over thier home ? or because they use a meteorologial term inapropriately ? |
Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 | 02:33 PM
Someone is a wacko if they take an understood physical reaction (contrails) and builds a grand conspiracy theory around it with no verifiable facts (or even evidence) to back them up.
1) Planes make contrails.
2) The government owns planes.
3) The government hates us.
4) Contrails are the government's attempts to destroy/control our lives.
When the material was, effectively, apparently, "squeezing water out of the air", last year, among other things, huge amounts of moisture would form...
Con(densation)trails. Mysterious alien forces or simple physics at work. You decide.
There might be more but it's rather too incoherant for me to bother wading through and deciphering it.
Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 | 03:15 PM
I dont think that the government hates us. However, I don't think they would hesitate to do somethings without letting the public know. I don't know what is going on but from what I know about physics I know contrails don't hang around for four hours and spread into a hazy mist. However, Aresols do. (contrails can last up to an hour or two and then dissapear. If you are to lazy to wade through the information and decipher it and find it easier to lable folks "wacko" I find that logic strange. "There might be more but it's rather too incoherent for me to bother wading through and deciphering it" (try the FAQ on chemtrails) Rational people look at lots of information and opposing sides of issues before they come to a conclusion. They don't just turn a blind eye to facts.
If your interested, there are studies confirming the spraying of aresols into the atmosphere by unregistred aircraft. Some people should read before they judge. |
Hairy Houdini
Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 | 10:53 PM
Okay, here My take on Contrails and Chemtrails: Contrails are produced by jet engines, the trail being a condensate left from the heat of the engine interacting with colder air. Contrails leave vortexes (vortexi?) with help to contain the contrail in its form...some contrails last longer, some are short-lived. Why? Different levels of moisture in different levels of air. I've seen days that start out clear, and in a couple of hours, the day will become cloudy due to many dispersed contrail...Studies have shown that the contrail dispersal do lower ground temps, but only in those areas blanketed by contrails. I have seen many a day in which you can easily see jet after jet crossing the sky, but no contrails form. Why, differing dew points dur to temp, differing levels of moisture from day to day. Chemtrails? Sorry, I'm not that paranoid...if this is some sneaky way to get rid of toxic waste, why don't they do what has been done for years: throw that stuff in Hot Dogs and Cigarettes... That's My take, at least |
Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 | 10:04 AM
The trails that form over my house only do so at what looks to be the 30-40K foot range and only just before or at dawn. This is strange. Why ? you might ask. Because, commercial jet traffic cant fly after 11pm and before 6AM . So, with help of a program that tracks all the flights in and around my area. I have been able to deduce that the planes leaving the trails are not on this program. The only planes that allowed to fly unidentified are millitary and government flights. This leads me to think that the jets flying over my head are millitary, or government because private flights have to turn on thier transponder and the flight tracking program would pick them up. So Hairy, why are the unidentified planes the only ones that leave trails that last for four or more hours while the trails created by commercial traffic dissapate and dissapear in a shorter time period under the same atmospheric conditions. I don't claim to know whats going on I'm just paying attention to the detail.
Hairy I don't think thier trying to get rid of chemicals. I think thier trying to stem the destruction of the ozone layer and slow global warming. At least I hope thats what the administration is up to. With a little research you can find documents that confirm mass spraying of aresols into the atmosphere for tests without letting the public know about it. |
Hairy Houdini
Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 | 01:17 PM
Toe Jam: The scenario you suggest would require the conspiratorial involvement of thousands of pilots, air traffic controllers, and even passengers who might observe Aerosol dispersal...I love a good conspiracy theory, but this seems to be a worldwide phenomenon, at least in areas blanketed by heavy and regular jet traffic. Again, the constant application of contrail condensate have been proven to alter ground temps, but noone that I know of has yet to collect a sample of any substance alleged to counter global warming, etc. I think that it would be easy enough to do a spectrographic analysis of cloud formation to detect the presence of more than condensate, exhaust by-products, etc. Chemtrails? This skeptical old fart needs proof, before I do the Chicken Little thing. |
Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 | 01:48 PM
Please refer to these scientific observations and give me your opinion. Scientific proof |
Hairy Houdini
Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 | 09:07 PM
ToeJam: Well, I read your linked report. Very thorough, very professional. A lot of the info there on contrail/chemtrails was a little over my head (pun intended), but it does seem to suggest an anomaly at best. Could these unidentified aircraft be private jets (Lear jets, for example). It's easy to concieve some ridiculously wealthy entity flying in formation with other fleet craft. I appreciate the Heads-Up (intended again), and I'll see if I can apply my own observations in concert with the report info... I still have a hard time accepting such a large conspiratorial effort, but hey, look at Fox News... Jam on |
Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 | 10:09 PM
Planes here in the UK often fly round in long loops on mornings when airports are fog-bound, waiting for it to clear. They may also want to empty the fuel tanks for a lighter landing ?
Also the fine rippled clouds are quite natural: not "Scalar Electromagnetics". The saying "Mackerel sky and mares' tails, make
lofty ships carry low sails" comes from days before steamships ! |
anonymous G
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 | 07:51 PM
Hairy Houdini: my whole neighborhood is at least "sprayed" twice a week from right over my house all the way to my school. It is sometimes so thick over my house that I can smell a strange chemical oder. It is illegal for the U.S government to spray substances without notification of the people.
The trails are too low to be water droplets from jets which are at altitudes of 30,000' or greater. What I am saying is that the craft that sprays the chem trails are very low (only about 1,000'). A vietnam vetern was able to measure the distance from the ground to the trail and it was ONLY 700' feet up!!
Contrails from low flying jets immediately disapate.
When I was riding the bus home from school around 1:30, I saw an unmarked white plane flying behind another much lower large black craft that I could not identify? It was motionless, and was very reflective. The plane was spraying chem trails that was near the irregularly shaped object RIGHT over my school. The next day was clear with chemtrails from the previous day still in the sky. By the afternoon of the next day many X patterns were over the spot where I saw the craft. All I know is that ever sense I have been studying the illuminati agenda there has been severe spaying over my house. I expierence of flu-like symptoms after I am exposed to a spraying. Everytime I am spayed I become more immune to the symptoms and they are less severe each time. Thank you for reading this message. One more thing, they spray just before a rain storm rolls in. |
Note: This thread is located in the Old Forum of the Museum of Hoaxes.