Sadam’s Statue
Posted By:
Jul 15, 2004
I've heard from a reliable family member that the famous scene of Iraqis trying to pull down a statue of Sadam, then getting help from a U.S. tank, was actually staged. I'm apt to believe this, since many forms of propaganda are used in all wars, but I want to find a reliable news source that states this, or that disproves it. Please, don't editorialize.
Category: ; Replies: 1
Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 | 03:35 PM
Not sure about it being staged by actors or such,(could be,u never know these days)but a birds eye view of the event showed that there was only about 30 people gathering around statue.The news version looked more exiting due to the close up shots and editing making the Iraqi uprising look more dramatic. |
Note: This thread is located in the Old Forum of the Museum of Hoaxes.