Rich People\‘s Liberation Front
Posted By:
Jul 08, 2004
I stumbled upon your blurb on the Rich People's Liberation Front in your index of April Fool's Hoaxes (1991) doing a google search and thought I would give you a little information. Thurston Morton Beechcraft Collingsworth IV is my uncle, Stephen E. Collins of Arlington, MA. My Uncle Steve has worked tirelessly with the Massachusetts Human Services Coalition and various other non-profit organizations to fight for the rights of the forgotten while gifting the city of Boston with his unique sense of humor. He is currently battling a virulent form of pancreatic cancer that he is not expected to survive, and the news that yet another website has mentioned his work has given him great comfort. I wanted to give you his real name so that he could be recognized and thank you for citing their April Fool's Hoax.
Elise M. Branch
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