BIGFOOT, The SHROUD: Case Closed
Posted By:
Jul 02, 2004
The latest ish of "Skeptical Inquirer" (Jul/Aug 04) is a good one. It features:
-"Pranks, Frauds and Hoaxes From Around The World", a good overview...
- "PBS 'Secrets of the Dead' Buries Truth about Turin Shroud": Joe Nickell takes PBS to task for their lame Shroud doc, and presents tons of evidence for its fakery...
- "Exposing Roger Patterson's 1967 Bigfoot Film Hoax" re Greg Long's new book "The Making of Bigfoot: The Inside Story," in which he tracks down and gets confessions from the costume maker, the man who wore the suit, others. Case closed!
Category: ; Replies: 2
Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 | 09:35 PM
why?! I always thought the Paterson film was real! I think I'm going to my room cry...
elmo p smartway
Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 | 06:24 PM
I found proof patterson film is hoaxed just look and you can see it has a hard on |
Note: This thread is located in the Old Forum of the Museum of Hoaxes.