BBC Radio 3's
In Parenthesis program were treated to a roundtable discussion of a few cutting-edge new works of social anthropology and musicology. First up was a discussion of
La Fornication Comme Une Acte Culturelle by Henri Mensonge (translated as Henry Lie). This book argued that "we live in an age of metaphorical rape" in which "confrontation, assault, intrusion, and exposure are becoming validated transactions, the rites of democracy, of mass society." This sparked a blisteringly incomprehensible debate, which eventually segued into an exploration of the question "Is 'Is' Is?" Finally, the audience heard a rousing deconstruction of the 'arch form' of the sonata's first motif. Listeners seemed to accept the program's discussion as a legitimate exploration of new trends in the arts. However, it was a parody.
Reminds me of Bill Clinton's testimony to escape prosecution for sexual harassment of Paula Jones. "...depends on what the definition of 'is' is..."
"A gentleman working at a sign printing company was reprimanded by his boss for using too much space between words in a recent sign for a Fish & Chip shop. 'Son, you have put too much space between fish and and and and and chips.'"
The word "and" is strung together FIVE times consecutively and not four.
Fish & chips
"too much space between FISH and AND and CHIPS" its only 3 'ands'How does 5 ands work?
spelling out the and and removing the comma, you get "between fish and and and and and fish". 5 ands.
"too much space between Fish and & and & and Chips"
In other other words, there is too much space between "Fish and &" and there is too much space between "& and Chips".
Is this making sense yet?
LOL. Thanks, everyone. Great description, Danielle.
Don't think the "joke" made me smile as much as seeing the responses did.
Try the famous Chinese poem, "The Lion-Eating Poet in the Stone Den."
The same word is repeated 92 times in a row to yield a comprehensible story.
(Chinese is a tonal language, so the pitch you use when you speak can change the meaning of the word. That's how this poem works.)
Is there a recording of this somewhere?
"La Fornication Comme Un Acte Culturel"
Not many french speaking people listnening to that show ...
by the by, that chinese poem is HORRENDOUS! i speak chinese and i about fell out trying to read it. lol.