The April Fool Archive

Bombs Away!    (April Fool's Day - 1915)

The Geneva Tribune reported that on April 1 a French aviator flying over a German camp dropped what appeared to be a huge bomb. The German soldiers immediately scattered in all directions, but no explosion followed. After some time, the soldiers crept back and gingerly approached the bomb. They discovered that it was actually a large football with a note tied to it that read, "April Fool!" [The Atlanta Constitution, Aug 2, 1915.]

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LOL that's awesome!
Posted by Ryusora  on  Thu Mar 31, 2011  at  02:43 PM
I'm wondering how this humor would be received today in Libia, or Afganistan??????
Posted by Harry Eisenhart  on  Thu Mar 31, 2011  at  04:34 PM
Why would a Frenchman write a note to Germans in English? So just exactly what did the note actually say?
Posted by hoaxinghal  on  Fri Mar 30, 2012  at  06:03 AM