Man Catches Fur-Bearing Trout

Wisconsin-resident George Weber says he was fishing in the Menomonee River when he caught this unusual fish.

He showed it to a wildlife official who first told him it was a fur-bearing trout. But then the official offered an alternative, scientific explanation. He said it could be a trout infected with an extreme case of Saprolegnia, or cotton mold, which is a fungal infection that can grow on fish and looks like white or grey fibrous patches.

However, I'm not buying the Saprolegnia explanation. I think that's a genuine fur-bearing trout.

[via Doubtful News]

Animals Folklore/Tall Tales The Gallery of Tall-Tale Creatures

Posted on Mon May 11, 2015


Is that infection believed to be the source of the Tall Tale? Or is it just a coincidence?
Posted by AndyL  on  Tue Aug 04, 2015  at  09:22 AM
No cryptide at all. This is just a trout who was rich enough to buy a fur coat.
Posted by Russian Skeptic  on  Wed Sep 16, 2015  at  04:48 AM
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