Brick Prank

image This is one of those great pranks that only gets discovered a long time after the deed is done. Oklahoma State University officials realized that the letters 'OU' (the initials of their rival the University of Oklahoma) were gracing the side of their recently renovated stadium. Apparently one of the bricklayers working on the renovation project used darker bricks to spell out the initials of their rival. Unfortunately the officials are not taking the prank in very good humor. They've ordered that the offending bricks be replaced, at the expense of the contractor who did the work. Personally I can't see the initials that well in the picture that accompanies the article. I guess it's one of those things that you have to squint to see, kind of like the 666 on the side of the Alamo (though unlike the Alamo-666 thing, no one is claiming that demonic forces played a role in the OU prank).


Posted on Thu Aug 12, 2004


" one is claiming that demonic forces played a role in the OU prank."

Hold on there... you apparently don't know OU that well. It is a well known fact that many of the football coaches at OU (past and present) have indeed sold their souls to satan. No, really.
Posted by Roy G. Biv  on  Fri Aug 13, 2004  at  05:30 AM
they both have exactly the same name! osu ou wtf difference does it make? they shouldve given them more distinct names
Posted by john  on  Fri Aug 13, 2004  at  10:42 AM

I am 69 and since I can see the letters O U in the wall, I was wondering if you have had your eyes checked for seeing all colors?

Posted by Neil Reinhardt  on  Mon Aug 16, 2004  at  03:18 AM
I have to agree with Neil there, Alex. The O and U are very obvious in that picture, even though it's grainy.
Posted by SS  on  Tue Aug 17, 2004  at  02:22 AM
There is a bank in Ann Arbor, MI, just off campus of the University of Michigan, with the letters: T I T spelled out fairly clearly -- if you know where to look. This was done the same way as the O U, with bricks of a slightly darker shade. I don't know for sure that this was done on purpose, but it sure looks like it.
Posted by Jon  on  Tue Aug 17, 2004  at  11:10 AM
I never said I couldn't read it. All I said was both universities have similar names.
Posted by john  on  Tue Aug 17, 2004  at  09:03 PM
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