An Exhibition of Invisible Art

London's Hayward Gallery will soon be hosting an exhibition of invisible art. It's the kind of art where you basically have to take the artist's word for it that there's something there.

Included will be works such as Warhol's Invisible Sculpture, "which consists of an empty plinth, on which he had once briefly stepped." Also, 1000 Hours of Staring, which is "a blank piece of paper at which artist Tom Friedman has stared repeatedly over the space of five years."

I wonder how copyright pertains to invisible art. Can you sue someone for copying your blank canvas? Link:

Below are some examples of invisible art.

1000 Hours of Staring by Tom Friedman (purest of treats)

7 Days of Death/At the Grave/People Looking Down, by Bruno Jakob (kunsthausbaselland)

Invisible Sculpture by Warhol (artnet)


Posted on Wed May 23, 2012


"Can you sue someone for copying your blank canvas?"

Well, John Cage sued British composer Mike Batt for copying his totally silent composition 4'33" and got a 6 figure settlement, so I would guess you can.
Posted by Jim Barrett  on  Thu May 24, 2012  at  11:03 AM
Wait, wasn't this the same theory behind 'The Emperor's New Clothes'? by Hans Christian Andersen ("would be invisible to those unfit for their positions, stupid, or incompetent")'s_New_Clothes
Posted by hulitoons  on  Fri May 25, 2012  at  11:05 AM
If any of you would like to see these, I currently have them displayed in my office. Come on by.
Posted by coit  on  Tue May 29, 2012  at  07:44 AM
This is the most honest art I've seen in years. Finally the arteests have come clean and are revealing themselves as the empty frauds they really are!

Free bonus! As a special offer to Museum visitors, you can read the rest of my insightful review now, before it appears in next month's Playboy magazine! Here it is:
Posted by Dan McFist  on  Thu May 31, 2012  at  01:21 PM
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