Hypo-Allergenic Cats

I've been getting a lot of emails about Allerca, the company that claims it will start selling genetically engineered hypo-allergenic cats in 2007. It may be that they never manage to do what they claim they will do. Or at least, they never manage to do it in commercially viable quantities. But I'm pretty sure they're very serious about trying to do it. But I think they should lower the price a bit. At $3500 a pop, these cats are only going to be for the very rich, considering that you can pick up a cat for free at the pound, and as they themselves admit, female cats are far less allergenic than male cats anyway.

Animals Science

Posted on Thu Oct 28, 2004


This is rather amusing for two reasosn.

Firstly, the cloning of a cat has been seriously discussed by scientists because it is a complicated procedure: some animals are harder to clone because of unusual details of their biology.

Secondly, there ARE non-allergenic dogs already; Crossing a Labrador and a French Poodle produces an animal with fur that is much less likely to cause asthma in humans. These so-called 'Labradoodles' are often bred as guide dogs for allergic blind people.
Posted by Covert Walrus  on  Fri Oct 29, 2004  at  03:33 AM
$3500 will buy you a lot of allergy medicine....
Posted by Paul  on  Fri Oct 29, 2004  at  09:06 AM
My veterinarian buddy says "Labradoodles" are great dogs. They'll have to come up with a different name, though, if they want the breed to catch on-- especially with men.
I'm not so sure they're non-allergenic. They don't shed much, if any, but all dogs produce dander, which is what most allergic people react to.
Posted by Big Gary C  on  Fri Oct 29, 2004  at  01:57 PM
There are already great cats for people who are allergic to cats. They are called Maine Coon Cats. For some reason these long-haired purebred cats don't trigger allergies like other cats. The only problem is that they can cost up to $2,000 from a breeder.

There is another type of purebreed like this too, some kind of Norwegian cat, but I can't remember what it's called.
Posted by Hiney  on  Wed Nov 17, 2004  at  06:27 PM
My daughter has SEVERE allergies to cats. Her symptoms include wheezing, scratchy throat, hives, itchiness, runny nose. I have exposed her to both the Siberian and the Devon Rex as I heard that they were "hypo - allergenic" breeds. She reacted to both of these breeds in the exact same way that she reacts to "normal" breeds. It looks like we are destined to remain catless until they develop either a cure or a non- allergenic breed.
Posted by Hannah  on  Sat Oct 22, 2005  at  05:45 PM
Hannah- you might consider Monelukast. It's a once at night time tablet that has helpped my daughter a LOT. We've got 3 cats at home, and she begun sneezing and wheezing about 2 years ago. Much helpped by 'Monte'
Posted by Cat  on  Tue Apr 10, 2007  at  10:10 AM
The Norwegian cat that you are referring to, "Hiney," is the Norwegian Forest cat. I have also heard that the Norwegian Forest cat and the Maine Coon cat are both worth looking into if you have allergies to cats. I would also check out the Persian, as I know someone in my family who is allergic to cats, but not allergic to atleast one particular Persian. Which leads me also to say that it may just be one particular cat, not necessarily a particular breed, that a person with allergies may find he or she is not allergic to like the others. My family and I have been fostering cats in hopes to find that one cat that I can live with. It is a good way to try out some different types and help other kitties and families at the same time, without having to make a commitment to keep one forever, until you find the one you're looking for. It's been a great experience for my whole family.
Posted by Kittylover  on  Fri Apr 13, 2007  at  10:54 PM
I tend to be rather allergic to cats (itchy, watery eyes, wheezey, skin irritation, congestion), but was amazed when I visited someone who had a Maine Coon and I experienced no symptoms. I was floored, especially since this guy had such a messy apartment with cat hair everywhere. So, I can vouch for the maine coon being a good possibility, although I'm sure that it is not a 100% solution.

But no thanks, don't engineer me any cats. I'd rather take meds or just be cat-free. People will do anything to make money.
Posted by Kristin  on  Mon Mar 10, 2008  at  06:49 PM
if you tend to be more allergic to the pets,you will loose interest in taking care of them as your health is more important.
Posted by Dani Johnson  on  Wed Apr 16, 2008  at  11:32 AM
hey tnx a lot you helped me big in this post.
keep up the good work.
Posted by chen  on  Wed Jun 11, 2008  at  02:40 PM
Even though I have cat allergies, we adopted a Maine Coon about 3 1/2 months ago. I've already been taking allergy meds for other allergies, so I figured, what the heck. I've always loved cats, always wanted one, so I decided to stop thinking about it and just adopt one. He is the absolute best pet we have ever had the privilege of owning! He's so cool! I love everything about him! I have no regrets! He is sweet, loving, playful, fun, peaceful, and so much more. My whole family adores him. I know of many people who have cat allergies, yet still have, and even foster cats, and keep their allergies under control just fine, just as I do. I found it to be much less expensive to take the allergy meds I need anyway, as opposed to owning a dog. We took care of a large breed dog for four months, and he was eating us out of house and home, as well as toys, bedding, treats, bones, etc., etc. Nothing against dogs, but cats are a lot less stressful to me!
Posted by Kittylover  on  Wed Jun 11, 2008  at  11:14 PM
I have always been very allergic to cats but also, as a softy, rescued kittens and found them homes (living on benadryl the whole time). I rescued a stray one thanksgiving from a county building parking lot and it didn't make me sick. She turned out to be a maine coon mix. We had many years without any allergy fusses. When it was time to get another cat, I called an animal rescue. They met me at a Petsmart. The woman took only one kitten and handed her to me. I buried my face in her belly and then walked around the store to see what would happen. Nothing. No burning eyes, swollen sinuses or migraine headache. He is a Maine coon. Every other cat I have ever got near has caused me pain. If you have allergies, I suggest you start with a maine coon rescue in your area. They are big, long haired, and imo, often doglike in their mannerisms and affections. Wonderful pets. Enjoy!
Posted by Leia Knight  on  Tue Nov 25, 2008  at  08:10 PM
I tend to be rather allergic to bodies (itchy, adulterated eyes, wheezey, derma irritation, congestion), but was afraid if I visited anyone who had a Maine Coon and I accomplished no symptoms. I was floored, abnormally back this guy had such a blowzy accommodation with cat hair everywhere. So, I can vouch for the maine coon getting a acceptable possibility, although I'm abiding that it is not a 100% solution.

But no thanks, don't architect me any cats. I'd rather yield meds or just be cat-free. People will do annihilation to accomplish money.
Posted by cat sneezing  on  Wed Jul 01, 2009  at  10:06 AM
I have a Maine coon cat (named kitty ^_^) and I am not allergic to her. Besides it's not the fur that people are allergic to. It's the Fe d 1 gene that cats carry. Maine Coons (females mainly) lack this gene mostly. Why they lack it I don't now. Other breeds that lack this gene are the Russian Blue, Cornish Rex, Persian (If bred to lack this gene)the Norwegian Forest Cats. I mean I don't react to my cat and I have allegy attacks which involve watery, itchy, swelling eyes, sneezing and a constant itch in my ear.
Posted by Cat lady 927  on  Mon Jan 18, 2010  at  12:53 PM
Posted by SARA PINSIOTTI  on  Fri May 07, 2010  at  01:39 PM
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