Million-Dollar Bill Tracts Seized

Status: Strange News
image Earlier this month the Secret Service raided the offices of the Great News Network (a Texas ministry) and seized 8300 inspirational tracts. The problem with the tracts? They were printed on million-dollar bills. I would say fake million-dollar bills, but since there's no such thing as real million-dollar bills, there can't exactly be fake ones either. However, the Secret Service felt they looked a little bit too much like real currency for comfort. Reportedly someone had tried to deposit one at a bank. Meanwhile, the Great News Network isn't happy and is threatening to sue the government. But they should realize the government has an extremely low tolerance for any kind of fake currency. Witness the case of J.S.G. Boggs (whom I write about in Hippo Eats Dwarf). He's an artist who creates counterfeit currency as art, though his bills are single-sided, so they're not likely to be mistaken for actual money. Nevertheless, the Secret Service raided his studio back in 1992 and seized thousands of his works, and haven't returned them to this day.

Incidentally, here's the tract that was written on the million-dollar bills. (You can try to purchase the bills here):
The million dollar question: Will you go to Heaven? Here's a quick test. Have you ever told a lie, stolen anything, or used God's name in vain? Jesus said, "Whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery already with her in his heart." Have you looked with lust? Will you be guilty on Judgment Day? If you have done those things God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart. The Bible warns that if you are guilty you will end up in Hell. That's not God's will. He sent His Son to suffer and die on the cross for you. Jesus took your punishment upon Himself -"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." Then He rose from the dead and defeated death. Please, repent (turn from sin) today and trust in Jesus, and God will grant you everlasting life. Then read your Bible daily and obey it.
(Thanks to Joe for the link)

Business/Finance Religion

Posted on Tue Jun 13, 2006


i own one
Posted by jes  on  Tue Jun 05, 2007  at  12:23 AM
i really thoght that i had found a million dollars i thaoght that life would be okay because i was able to do what i alwaysed wanted to do but i guess not you all really need to stop making these things because you are crushing others fellings okay
Posted by jessica sylve  on  Tue Jul 17, 2007  at  10:12 AM
jessica sylve , if you thaught that by you reciving one million dollrs would make you life ok, you are misguided. Why not talk to the millionare I am friends with. Whose wife left him, his kids disowned him and he is an alchoholic. Why not think about the multi millionare that just committed suicide because of some shady dealings going on in his life. I can name one after another.

What is written on these tracts are more importnat than any million dollar can bring you. This is the hope that you should seek for, and not what the money can bring you.
Posted by Guy  on  Tue Jul 17, 2007  at  11:24 AM
A few years back when we were in a hurry for fake dollar bills that we needed as props AND when there weren't very many color printers here at my office AND it was after hours so we couldn't use one of the color printers that might otherwise have printed our bills for us...

...We tried to have them printed at a copy center. No good. Even when we said, "How about if we make them jumbo-size -- larger than any American dollar bill has ever been?" Still no good. We finally just had sneak down and use a one of the color printer here in the office even though we really weren't authorized to do so.

Anyway, my point is that copies of money are definitely frowned on!
Posted by Kathleen  on  Tue Jul 17, 2007  at  02:00 PM
Kathleen, were these copies of the real bills. Or were these totally made up bills. Maybe the difference is that the Dollar Tracts have the gospel printed on them. If you look at them, although it is in the likeness of a true bill, it is not a copy of one. Hope you know I am not saying this to be sorcastic. Just wandering if yours were copies of real money you were trying to make.
Posted by Guy  on  Tue Jul 17, 2007  at  05:19 PM
This is not such a big deal- because on all US currency it says "in god we trust" 😊
Posted by Devin  on  Thu Oct 11, 2007  at  11:32 AM
What I don't appreciate is handing these out to children after school, but still at a school function.
Trying to scare kids into religion?
Pretty low.
Posted by Parent  on  Thu Oct 11, 2007  at  12:59 PM
Scaring kids into Heaven? I don't know any gospel tracts that scare people into Heaven. I have seen and passed out many tracts in my time. People and kids have a right to know that they can go to Heaven if they want to. If you are given a tract, no one forces you to read it. You are free to throw it away, give it to someone else, or read it. The choice is yours. When I first met my brother in law he was 19 years old and had no idea that he could accept the payment that Christ made on the cross for his sins and go to Heaven. It took several years of talking to him and answering his questions but he accepted Christ as his Saviour. He died when he was 45 years old. He was glad that someone cared enough to let him know about what Jesus Christ had done for him. There are many people like him in this world. Tracts just tell the message of God's love for this world. Money tracts are attention getters. Many people will pick up a money tract that would never pickup another one. After they see it, they may read it. They may not. But at least ehry have a chance to learn something that will be the most important thing in their life.
Posted by Earl  on  Thu Oct 11, 2007  at  03:24 PM
I had a guy come into where I work and flash one at my co-worker and I. He kept saying that it that it was real. He wouldn't let us touch the bill but he did let us look at it. I thought something was funny about it cause I've never heard of a million dollar bill, plus the writing around the edges. To me it was just weird.
Posted by toni  on  Thu Nov 15, 2007  at  12:53 AM
I have that exact million dolar bill!
i promise! But it says "This note is not legal tender for all debts, public and private.
Posted by LOL  on  Wed Nov 28, 2007  at  09:51 PM
What happens if you have a 1000,000 dollars bill like the one shown on top of this page....

How much is it worst??
Posted by Karla  on  Fri Mar 07, 2008  at  07:48 PM
It tells you right on the bill that it is not legal for paying debts. So it isn't worth anything moneywise. It's value comes in with trying to tell a person how to go to Heaven.
Posted by Earl  on  Wed Mar 12, 2008  at  11:27 AM
Religion is a frightening thing. It's something that should have been left behind in the dark ages when it was clearly ruining the world. People that try to scare others into their way of thinking like this really need to be put in their place. Try focusing on more than one verse of your ficticious book, check out all the parts about tolerance, loving your neighbor, and forgiving others of their sins. Churches were against the abolition of slavery, the emancipation of women, inter-racial marriage, and now same-sex marriage. Churches were involved in raiding and burning thousands of towns and people and now try to tell everyone that they have the monopoly on moratlity.

Thanks, I'll stick to my atheist ways of appreciating the world, only being angry with those that give me true reason to be, accepting those of all races, religions and orientations, and wanting a bit more than what I have but also being happy with where I am at the moment.

I will not have an imaginary friend that I believe will grant me everlasting life as long as I truly believe he exists. I will simply cherish this life and live it to its fullest.
Posted by Bman  on  Sat May 02, 2009  at  10:04 AM
You obviously haven't read the book. This is the book that tells us to love our enemies and to do good to those who despitefully use you. Back when women were considered property, Jesus declared that they had rights. Christianity has done more for womens rights than any athiest. Athiests are the ones that believe in superior races. There have been many athiests that have declared that blacks are an inferior race. Every once in a while you can read about a scientist that will get into trouble for making a statement about blacks having thicker skulls so they don't have as much room for their brains. For example just a few months ago one got into trouble with students at WVU for that very thing. Also if you will google a little bit you will discover that athiests have slaughtered many more people than anyone in the name of religion has. The count isn't even close. You appear to be extremely closed minded. Maybe some day you can open it up for a little truth.
Posted by Earl  on  Tue May 26, 2009  at  05:33 PM
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