Napoleon Dynamite Star Not Dead

image The latest celebrity death rumor going around is that Jon Heder, star of Napoleon Dynamite, died in a car accident while driving with a friend to Salem, Oregon. A website making this claim is here. People have also been speculating about this rumor on the IMDB message boards (Thanks to Ana for the link). Jon Heder, of course, is not dead (unless that person who looks like him and has been making media appearances is just an imposter). Michael Heaton, of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, noted in a recent column that he had heard the 'Heder is Dead' rumor from his daughter. Which prompted him to comment that "It is the zenith of cultural obsession to have false rumors of someone's death spread like goose grease across the land."

Celebrities Death

Posted on Fri Feb 18, 2005


he did not die....i didnt belive it from the start. this kind of thing has happened before its just a silly prank that some corrupted weirdo started to make this controversy spread. well it did. they successeded. but i have looked all over the news and i havent found anything but those two websites. i looked on all the news websites, even the mtvnews and i found nothing. "The tragedy hasn't hit the media yet because Heder's parents wish to keep it undisclosed for as long as possible" the media doesnt care. theyd be all over the story. the mother couldnt control that.
so, i really dont think he died. he couldnt have. plus that ninjapirate website was kinda stupid and harsh if he died its not something to joke about
Posted by linda  on  Sun Feb 20, 2005  at  03:51 PM
get a chat room...
Posted by kitty  on  Sun Feb 20, 2005  at  05:12 PM
Posted by Chris Heder  on  Sun Feb 20, 2005  at  07:12 PM
you guys are all morons.. napoleon dynamite was the worst movie i saw in years.. a 4 year old can come up with better jokes.. but the trend will hopefully pass in a month or two
Posted by peter  on  Sun Feb 20, 2005  at  07:45 PM
-GAH! you guys are RETARDED!!....

napolean dynamite is pretty much flippin awesome..

-but who 'Freggin' cares anyways.. MY LIPS HURT REAL BAD!! im goin to the nurse for some chapstick.. i heard she had like 5 sticks..
Posted by Mo  on  Sun Feb 20, 2005  at  08:23 PM
ok yeah so that whole ninja pirate website .... yeah that picture of the car ..... i can tell you all a website right now that has that same picture on there and that picture has been on there for like a year
Posted by person  on  Sun Feb 20, 2005  at  08:45 PM
When I was told he was dead I almost cried... Stupid rumors...
Posted by Ailis is the coolest ever  on  Sun Feb 20, 2005  at  09:14 PM
Alex, please never write about teen stars again. I think this was the biggest stampede of stupidity I have ever seen in the comments of your site. Some of them were so ridiculous I had trouble figuring out if it was parody or not.

It didn't seem like anyone got that upset when Johnny Carson died. At least he had more of a career than one movie.
Posted by Avi  on  Sun Feb 20, 2005  at  09:16 PM
That Ninjapirate even spelled his name wrong... Its Jon Heder... Not John!! GOSH!!!
Posted by Ailis is the coolest  on  Sun Feb 20, 2005  at  09:21 PM
Who ever thinks that Jon Heder is dead is a bum with a bowstaff stuck up it! Omg! You people are so retardedly ill to think that... and if Jon did die.... We don't wanna go there cuz we wouldn't want him to die! I Love this guy... and honestly he made this movie a movie! And without Jon header Napoleon wouldnt be Napoleon... he would be....IDK! but it wouldn't be the same... So who ever made up this thing should get a bowstaff stuck up their bum!

~Talk to you later~
Posted by Kristi  on  Sun Feb 20, 2005  at  09:24 PM
1. It would be a complete shame if Jon Heder did die because he is totally awesome and a great actor.

2. Will people stop posting the ninja pirate URL and telling us that he died. NEWSFLASH: he didn't.

3. is my website. Check it out. Talk about other fake "deaths" and much more.

Posted by Paul  on  Sun Feb 20, 2005  at  09:27 PM
hey...hes not dead...go to
Posted by amber  on  Sun Feb 20, 2005  at  09:44 PM
Hey amber not to try and put you down but what webiste are we on now? :roll:
Posted by Paul  on  Sun Feb 20, 2005  at  10:09 PM
To those of you that believe the rumor, when the fuck is the last time a highly acclaimed celebrity died and there wasn't a single newspaper article, or television report, and all you had was some corny looking blog almost poking fun at his death...AND YOU BELIEVE IT?! I swear to God people, if he died, it would have been everywhere, they say Napoleon Dynamite is bigger then The Godfather and it's on its way to becomming a cult classic, and, oh yeah, the star just died and no one cares except a shitty gossip site...hmmm
Posted by Chris  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  06:32 AM
MTV news on Friday said something along the lines of "...It is rumored that Jon Heder, star of one of the biggest films since Lord of the Rings, Napoleon Dynamite, has passed away after suffering injuries to the head in a terrible car accident. At this point not much else is being disclosed about the accident, but no assumptions can be made just yet..."
Posted by Concerned Citizen  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  06:48 AM
Oh my gosh, I will flippin' flip out at you guys cause youre retarded. Nap Dyn is like the ultimate medieval warrior, a car crash, drug overdose, or whatever could not flippin hurt him or his excellent skills. once again, flippin idiots.
Posted by Gabe Twedt  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  07:31 AM
I know he's not dead. I watched the Tonight Show and he was on. You gullible people are such idiots. He's alive and kickin.

Posted by Pedro  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  09:04 AM
Come on people, use some common sense. Anyone who has ever had to do research to write a paper knows about a thing called "legitimate sources" (i.e. sources where information is known to be true). For those of you who truly believe that Jon Heder is dead, I hate to break it to you, but ninjapirate is not a legitimate source. And although he sites another news source (Zimm News), he does not provide a last name of the author (which is sketchy), and, I ran a google search on Zimm News and came up with nothing. Clearly this is just some juvenile prank by an inconsiderate punk who deserves no respect, trying to get hits on his website.
Posted by Steven  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  09:16 AM
Pedro, In case you aren't able to READ this string and associated posts' the majority of people here at MOH don't believe this story at all. If you want to call people names shouldn't you be directing it at That pretty much goes for everyone... noone believes it. Just because it was posted here doesn't mean MOH is responsible for the posting. The people at that site are just as stupid as the people with the sites about Paul McCartney being dead. They need something to fill up there otherwise empty lives, something to get a kick out of... like pissing all you people off. Seems to have worked, not that we think they're cool or anything, but if their objective was to start a rumor and piss a lot of people off and sit back and watch them rant and rave (mostly in the wrong direction) then it would seem they're getting quite the laugh at your expense huh? Don't acknowledge them, and most of all, provide NO hits for their STUPID website. By the way Pedro, not that we think he's passed, but just because someone was on T.V. sometime in the past or present doesn't PROVE that they're aren't currently deceased. Most (99%) T.V. shows are "taped" including the Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno. It would be possible, but isn't the case, that he appeared on the show (taped at 4pm) and had an accident later that evening, and could indeed be deceased and NBC wouldn't have enough time to replace the airing. Correct? I just saw Johnny Carson on there a few nights ago... does that mean he's not deceased as well? What's the vote for by the way... if it's Village Idiot then you get both our votes. Peace all, calm down, he's still here...
Posted by MJN  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  10:16 AM
Why is this conversation still going on?
Posted by Paul  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  10:38 AM
I can't find any true facts stating his death except the pirate guy. I don't beleive a word.
Posted by A. Runnells  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  11:37 AM
I can't believe that anyone would think of anything horrible like that. Napoleon Dynamite wasn't just a hiraliously funny movie; it was also one of the most critically acclaimed movies of the year last year as well. And Jon Heder receives all of the credit for it. So, why doesn't everybody just shut their gosh-durn mouths and give the guy a break for once.
Posted by the truth  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  12:06 PM
yeah, this spread around houston insanely. i was wondering if he died or not.. hm, thanks for clearing it up.
Posted by Me  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  01:30 PM
you guys are retarded!
Posted by Napoleion  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  02:10 PM
Who would take a website called "Ninja Pirate" as a reliable source, when the info has not been in the real news? By real I mean sites that do not deal with ninjas or pirates.
Posted by wtf  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  02:40 PM
he aint dead.. ut a fricking idiot GOSH
Posted by Liger hunter  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  02:41 PM
Posted by Liger hunter  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  02:44 PM
ok, did he die or not? eff i heard so many rumors that he did, even one of my teachers told the class 😖 but he could just be reading all the internet bullshit...but i'm sure that if he did die, according to that site, on the way home from a movie premiere, someone would find out and it would definitely be all over the papers and tv channels, so i think...its all BULLSHIT! but if he did die..i would be so sad =(
Posted by ronnie  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  02:46 PM
Napoleon, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter.
Posted by KIP  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  02:47 PM
Posted by napoleon  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  02:51 PM
taht website its TOTALLY UNRELIABLE.. LOOK at it it doesnt even look cool. GOSH
Posted by aaron  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  02:53 PM
Rex: At Rex Kwan Do, we use the buddy system. No more flying solo. You need somebody watching your back at all times. Second off, you're gonna learn to discipline your image. You think I got where I am today because I dressed like Peter Pan over here?
[points to Napoleon]
Rex: Take a look at what I'm wearing, people. You think anybody wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I'm wearing these bad boys? Forget about it. Last off, my students will learn about self respect. You think anybody thinks I'm a failure because I go home to Starla at night? Forget about it!
Posted by this is a good quote  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  02:56 PM
i LOVE jon! but more importantly i love pedro!
that was the best movie EVER! whoever doesn't think that movie was great is not cool! and obviously can't tell a good movie when he or she sees one!
<3 <3 <3
phht, stupid gullible losers!
Posted by <3 pedro's wife  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  03:33 PM
You people are idiots.
Posted by JAmes  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  03:49 PM
yeah so i was sitting there in math class, when suddenly i overheard some people chatting it up about Napoleon dynamite, and i smiled to myself in personal happiness of the greatness of Napoleon dynamite.Then i realized that one of them mentioned that Napoleon died from overdosing on cocaine!! INSANENESS! right away i knew it couldnt possibly be true, because if he had, then the earth would shake and ligtning would strike and volcanoes would erupt. so, therefore, in conclusion, Napoleon Dynamite is not dead.

ze end
Posted by sugarbaby cimmaron  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  03:52 PM
You guys are all frickin idiots if u think Napolean is dead, and even if he were dead, he would still live forever through his qoutes and great skills. NAPOLEAN CANT BE STOPPED

now i have to get back to chatting with hott babes

peace out
Posted by tonyu  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  04:03 PM
I hear that Neds and Chavs and the like HATE Napoleon Dynamite and think he is THE LAMEST. I hear that they say HE SUCKS. I hear they say BRING IT ON you CRAPOLEON HEINIEMITE loosers. I think you should fight it out, right here.
Posted by Raoul  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  04:16 PM
Jon Heder is certainly dead. He died in a five-way car crash among Paul Mcartney, the ghost Elvis, John Goodman, and Louie Anderson. Next time check the facts, it's all there.
Posted by Idiot Wind  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  04:25 PM
Allright. The myth of Jon Heder's death, I'd heard last night from a bunch of drunk friends. I didn't believe what I was hearing because first of all, even though on that NinjaPirate site it said his parents were trying to keep it from the media. The media would have gotten ahold of that story really quick. American media thrives on this type of thing, so as soon as it happened. About an hour later, a reporter listening in on police radio would check out the scene, realize it was Jon Heder, and then report it recieving a substantial amount of money. Therefore it'd be all over. However the only source it was heard from was this website. Secondly, if the publisher of this website wanted to be taken seriously, he would not have included the little cartoons of the deer in the background and not photoshopped Heder's picture on top of the wrecked car. This to me is completely illegitimate, and phony. And I'm hoping by typing this response, it will allow many others to see this. The evidence to back up the claim of Heder's death is non existent. Another reason not to believe is that he is currently working on other films. If you check out and search Jon Heder, you will see this.

Hope this clears everything up.

Posted by Eric  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  04:33 PM
Wow that is such bull on this site ..

Who would have a little fake angel thing as his pic, and frickin fake deer dancing in the backround? How FAKE.

Posted by Kati  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  05:30 PM
hey hey

maybe napolian should come out of his cubby hole and prove to you all that HE LIVES! and see that chick up there ^ named kati.. yeah i love her. <33 lmao

Posted by Shawn  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  05:33 PM
hey hey

maybe napolian should jsut come out of his cubby hole and prove to us all taht he lives

and see that girl up there named Kati.. i love her ;-]

Posted by Shawn  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  05:35 PM
Yeah, shawn is so right. That chica up there ^^
I love her more. <333 Damn straight! =D

-- TPS --
Posted by Kati again  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  05:39 PM
did anyone actually beleive the rumours in the first place?
Posted by kendall  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  05:45 PM
caitlin u are an didnt literally mean bambi ran across the was making a cross-reference to deer......friggin idiots
Posted by Marcus  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  05:49 PM
you guys are freaking idiots! Gosh!
Posted by Nappy D  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  05:55 PM
you all are friggin wasnt bambi that jumped out in front of the car.. it was tina she was flipping pissed off about Napoleon shoveln that nasty food in her face....goosh get your facts right...idiots!

" tina..come get your the foood...east the food you fat lard...tina eat the foooood!!"

Ps: your mom goes to college
Posted by Jeff T  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  06:25 PM
Tina you fat lark come get some ham!
Posted by JOE DIRT  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  06:35 PM
They were attacking my cousins! what would you do in the situtation?!?
Posted by Douche Nugget  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  06:39 PM
Everyone. Stop doing friggin impressions of me, goosh. I am not dead. and Tina did not run out in front of my car. She is actually my llama. That fat lard is at my house right now. And whoever started that rumor about me dying is obviously someone that did not like my movie and wanted people to shut up about it. But if you are going to do impressions of me, then get them right.
Posted by Jon Heder  on  Mon Feb 21, 2005  at  06:51 PM
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