Vampire Sites

Here's a couple of vampire-themed websites sent in by visitors. First we have the Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency. According to the blurb on the site, "From 1868 to 1975, the Federal Vampire & Zombie Agency (FVZA) was responsible for controlling the nation's vampire and zombie populations while overseeing scientific research into the undead. This site is a tribute to the men and women who served in the FVZA, especially the over 4000 Agents who lost their lives fighting to keep our country safe." And next we have The Temple of the Vampire. If you want to live forever, then all you have to do is join the temple. The catch is that in order to join you have to buy their book, The Vampire Bible. That's a good sales gimmick. I should try something like that for my book, such as if you want to achieve a state of absolute enlightenment, then you have to buy my book.


Posted on Wed Oct 29, 2003


"2nd degree Warlock"
WTF does that mean?
Posted by Big Ben  on  Thu Sep 09, 2010  at  12:06 AM
It's not a religion, I can't see that it ever would be a true religion. It is something made-up and fabricated for the money it brings in.
It IS a rip off and I feel for anyone dragged into all this enough to part with their hard earned cash.

There are NO such things as undead that we know of - prove yourself as undead to me if you really are. If you can't, then I rest my case.
Posted by essa  on  Thu Sep 09, 2010  at  05:20 AM
"Why are some COSers against the TOV?"

You'd have to be involved in COS prior to the vampire takeover to understand.
Posted by Anonymous  on  Thu Sep 09, 2010  at  10:42 PM
nice site i like it dear.
Posted by ali  on  Fri Sep 10, 2010  at  01:32 AM
Hey, that new vampire test on the TOV site is thought provoking! I feel like joining now! How many active members do they have? how many show up to the meetings?
I want to live forever!
ten bucks a month is cheap!
Posted by Anon  on  Tue Sep 14, 2010  at  04:29 PM
Go to Google and type David Styles. I like the new suggestion that has appeared there!!!
Posted by Lu Yang  on  Wed Sep 15, 2010  at  05:34 AM
I'm "feeling lucky" that I no longer cross paths with that suck-up title collector. Hahaha!
Posted by Anonymous  on  Thu Sep 16, 2010  at  10:02 PM
I have noticed that some pictures of "vampires" posted here are quick to be deleted.

It seems like the "Order of Prometheus" are being kept busy.

Imbeciles, this is the Interenet. You can't expect the pictures to stay offline. They will always keep appearing here and there.
Posted by Me  on  Fri Sep 17, 2010  at  08:44 AM
Are you thick or something?
Yes this is the internet, but what "LuWank" and others are doing is illegal. You're reproducing imagery of people in real life and assigning values and organizational membership to those people without their consent.
I find it amusing that the joke of a "Wikia" page on the ToV was also deleted.
Yes I have concerns about the ToV like most people here but when idiots are using illegal and unreferenced means to get their messages across... that's when I, and other intelligent people draw the line. What the fuck was with the person that said "ToV is a scientology cult" on Wikipedia and used the REFERENCE to the vampiretemple.wikia page that provides hear say and bias baby-crying. Fucking "LuWank" again. You're a joke dude, fuck off and die.

Get a fucking life people.
Posted by anon  on  Fri Sep 17, 2010  at  09:46 PM
Here, have a tissue. Sniff, sniff. Nothing illegal here. If those people didn't want to be 'outed' they shouldn't have posed pretty for the camera. If they are members of the organization(s) listed, then no defamation has been committed. If they don't like it, then they should just stay in the closet.
Posted by Anonymous  on  Fri Sep 17, 2010  at  10:26 PM
F this and F that. 'Intelligent people' getting a message across.

They (TOV and others) are getting exactly what they deserve, by whatever means. It's about time.
Posted by Anonymous  on  Fri Sep 17, 2010  at  10:35 PM
Yes every so often a Plastic-Fanger will have a nervous breakdown and call us names...

I know I've conversed with Nemo himself here once or twice and never did such language cross our paths.

Hail Satan!
Posted by Rupert  on  Sat Sep 18, 2010  at  01:14 AM
Oh yeah.....and for the record!

The ToV is not compatible with the CoS, Rojo the Rooster took his banner down....why can't you! Good job Warlock Cock!

Also, to the person who said they were a "second degree" Wa
rlock.....Is that anything like a "second degree" black-belt?
Posted by Rupert  on  Sat Sep 18, 2010  at  01:22 AM
Serious question...
Does anyone know any high ranking CoS members that are against the ToV?
Posted by jake  on  Sat Sep 18, 2010  at  04:13 AM
Serious answer.....yes.

Some have posted here, if you read carefully from the begining you might be able to figure it out.

Some are mentioned plain as day.

Hail Satan
Posted by Rupert  on  Sat Sep 18, 2010  at  10:41 AM
Seriously, why don't you just join the Temple of Set?
Posted by Xeperman  on  Sat Sep 18, 2010  at  08:18 PM
Same shit, different name.

I wonder when George will turn up again.
Posted by Anon  on  Tue Sep 21, 2010  at  01:34 AM

Some idiot "vampire" made this saying: "My future 'Great minds/philosophers tattoo'". Hahahahahaha.
Posted by Ahoy  on  Tue Sep 21, 2010  at  07:30 AM
Nice pic! what does paramahansa yogananda have to do with the TOV?
Posted by dickforce  on  Tue Sep 21, 2010  at  11:09 PM
Ah, The Force vs. Lifeforce. If it were Nemo vs. Yoda, I'd put my money on Yoda. We could call it "Cane Wars."
Posted by That Guy  on  Sat Sep 25, 2010  at  12:30 AM
I read the vampire test at and was very impressed. I am sending out for all the bibles tomorrow and will become an active subscriber.
I have taken my first step to live forever!
I thank this site for getting me interested in the TOV, the only true vampire religion, for vampiric peoples.
If you are against the TOV, then you are obviously jelus because you don't have what it takes to live forever.
I am a vampire bow before me!
Posted by dickforce  on  Tue Sep 28, 2010  at  12:14 AM
I am glad to see you did not permit yourself to be persuaded by those who deny what is their only chance. They react as they do because they are not of us. Welcome to the Family.
Posted by Magnus Rex Dietus Nacht, ADEPT  on  Tue Sep 28, 2010  at  07:08 PM
Hail the new High Priest of the Church of Satan!
Hail Magister Boyd Rice!
Let the vampires beware!
Posted by Truth  on  Wed Sep 29, 2010  at  03:45 PM
I am a vampire bow before me!

Good luck on that one! *chuckles* 😉

They react as they do because they are not of us.

That is what true believers (Christians) say to their converts whenever their religion is questioned or criticized.
Posted by Private  on  Wed Sep 29, 2010  at  06:12 PM
Welcome to the Family.

Welcome to the Body of Christ!

"Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
Oh Lord, kumbaya!"

I am just a jealous non-believer because they have Jesus and I don't! Bwahahahahaha!
Posted by Private  on  Wed Sep 29, 2010  at  06:20 PM
"Magnus Rex Dietus Nacht"

Come on....At least get an original name!

Mr. Adept from Slovakia

I'm sure your new family member will be a true asset...with a lifespan of about two-months.

Isn't that about the turn-over rate for ToV initiates?
Posted by Rupert  on  Wed Sep 29, 2010  at  08:43 PM
I believe all the things...
which discovered by the God......
So, I believe In Vampires.....

I Always wish to transform a Vampires...
Please ......
help meeeeeeee.....
Posted by Ranbir Deka  on  Fri Oct 01, 2010  at  08:37 AM
I request t U that...... Please Give Me A Vampires
Posted by Ranbir Deka  on  Fri Oct 01, 2010  at  08:43 AM
why you all hating on the ToV?leave us alone.we are just trying to get our shit togerther.we want to be vampires so what? since I became a vampire,i no longer taake crap from people on the street.Valuable stuff costs money.U get what ya pay for.u cant afford to get in the door dont complain.Peace
Posted by PredatorJHJ  on  Fri Oct 01, 2010  at  09:00 PM
Last night a set of all the vampire bibles plus ten old issues of Lifeforce sold at 35.00 on ebay. I remember the days when they could have fetched 700.00. Times have changed!
Posted by handhy  on  Sat Oct 02, 2010  at  07:20 AM
Whats Adept identity for sale?
Posted by Rupert  on  Mon Oct 04, 2010  at  12:18 PM
Why the are there STILL people on LttD with the "do you want to live forever" link to the ToV site? I thought the High Priest said that was over with. I just don't get it.
Posted by Chumlee  on  Mon Oct 04, 2010  at  09:32 PM
I read about Boyd Rice declaring he is the CoS's High Priest.

And I agree with everything he has said.

Gilmore and his crew have done nothing to advance Satanism. Nothing at all.

Anton LaVey's Church of Satan died with him.
Posted by LuYang  on  Wed Oct 06, 2010  at  04:17 AM
Could be fun if someone could post a link to Boyd Rice`s statement over at the LttD (I would have done it, but Im unable to), and observe what reactions this could provoke. I haven`t seen anything about it there yet, and from what I have experienced over at that board, Boyd Rice was spot on with his generalisations of these "satanists".
Posted by Christhammer  on  Wed Oct 06, 2010  at  04:58 AM
I considered posting Boyd Rice's statement on LttD myself but one of the moderators would immediately delete it upon sight. Others have already attempted doing so. LttD seems to have a couple of moderators online at all times.
Posted by Chumlee  on  Wed Oct 06, 2010  at  07:42 AM
Yet another bunch of people that have just missed the point.
Boyd Rice is a fucking idiot. He spent years and years in the CoS after LaVey died and did nothing with his role. He was a joke and a poser.

On the "Church of Satan" not moving forward... I think you'll find that 99% of the current members are fine on where the organization stands now. What's the point in expanding and moving something forward that doesn't really need to?
Also, again.... people who aren't in the CoS really have no fucking clue as to what they're talking about. As an internal organization, we have no right to tell everyone out there "what we're doing".

Fools keep on claiming the CoS is long dead, and yet we are STILL the most recognized Satanic Organization and under Peter Gilmore we have retained and expanded on exactly what LaVey envisioned. One needs to only LaVey's last book to see how exactly it matches everything Gilmore and the Administration are doing.

Anyone that can't see this is quite frankly a blind and poor fool who fails at life. You should be pitied and shunned by society for your inability to comprehend what Satanism REALLY is all about.

Yours sincerely...
A college graduate with a 200k+ salary that enjoys the pleasure of five different women each week in a luxury condo on the beach. I'm also a CoS Reverend, but that is the least of my concerns... as acknowledging that to be behind my real and more important goals is something that DOES make me a Satanist. Not all you internet buffoons that jacks off into socks every day with no job.

Enjoy your fail you low lives.
Posted by derp  on  Wed Oct 06, 2010  at  07:54 AM
"Reverend" derp,

I don't recognize you from Downstairs but lets assume that part of your tale is true.
If what you say is true, why bother to waste your time on this website to post your thoughts?
Why the need to prove your worth on the museum of hoaxes website?
I guess that makes you one of the "internet buffoons that jacks off into socks every day with no job."

Posted by Chumlee  on  Wed Oct 06, 2010  at  09:46 AM
My dear lad... only a handful of Church of Satan members wish to post on LttD.
I have no need to prove my worth here, my message was simply to refute the horseshit that Boyd Rice spewed out about his self promotion. I also like whacking people over the head with the truth and logic on what Satanism about because there are far too many fools that like to think that they are somehow "evolved" from the Satanism that LaVey wrote about.
On that point, I take it upon myself to happily abuse people that think otherwise... in real life or on the internet. My role on the internet is as little as I want it to be, and that isn't quite much. I'm technologically inept and couldn't be bothered spending too much time in cyber space or what ever you kids call it. I have however learnt that there are too many idiots on the internet to try and set straight, so your message does have some credit. I won't continue wasting my time.

In regards to the ToV, which is what this website is about... I'm of two minds to the subject. For one, it is worrying to see how such of a cocksucker Nemo is that he kissed enough ass and sucked enough cock to get where he is now... considering he came directly FROM the Temple of Set. This isn't hear say, it's fact, and the majority of the priesthood know this and hate the prick. One other high ranking member that well... 95% of the CoS membership despise is Magister Phineas. He's an absolute cock wank. I've recently spent some time reading his stuff on the LttD site and his personality hasn't changed in real life to the internet at all.

As far as my identity being found out at all...
It will never happen as what I've posted is felt by the large majority of the priesthood that are NOT apart of the ToV.
Posted by derp  on  Wed Oct 06, 2010  at  08:45 PM
You are not a real member of the Church of Satan. You are not fooling anyone with your act.
Boyd Rice had an opportunity and missed it.
It is his loss.
Magister Nemo and Magister Phineas are two of the most respected members of the Church. They are shining examples of the highest and best a Satanist can strive for.
Posted by Magnus Rex Dietus Nacht, ADEPT  on  Thu Oct 07, 2010  at  02:19 PM
"Magister Nemo and Magister Phineas are two of the most respected members of the Church. They are shining examples of the highest and best a Satanist can strive for."

You're joking right?
Oh wait, you're a ToV member... of course you'd say that. Enjoy kissing asses and sucking cock.
Herd conformity at it's finest.
Posted by babib  on  Thu Oct 07, 2010  at  08:38 PM
"Magister Nemo and Magister Phineas are two of the most respected members of the Church. They are shining examples of the highest and best a Satanist can strive for."

This is a Sad and Unfortunate statement, made possible by the reality of LttD as an official representative of the CoS.

Fortunately for the true Satanists who read this, we know that it's author has no merit and by her signature alone she solidifies that fact.

Hail Satan!

The CoS and the ToV are not compatible and the relationship should be dissolved.

Satanists don't give a crap less about the Vampire religion and what they do with their lives, just don't claim that your beliefs are compatible with those of Anton Szandor LaVey and his CoS.

Nemo and Phineas are great actors!
Posted by Rupert  on  Thu Oct 07, 2010  at  08:46 PM
You don't recognize me because of the signature that I am using here. But you would be surprised to know who I am and you would not have written such a not so nice comment if you did.
But we are all Brothers & Sisters here. No need to be mean. LttD has given many of us who are true outsiders a home where we can be with other of the Elite.
You should try the Vampire teachings and see if they work for you.
You might be surprised at what you discover.
As your sister, I reach out to you and ask you the most important question,
Do you want to live forever?
Posted by Magnus Rex Dietus Nacht, ADEPT  on  Thu Oct 07, 2010  at  09:42 PM
Hey, Magisters Nemo and Phineas are good peeps.They are very smart and help those of us who are new around..True Satanists know Nemo is a genius, hes my dawg.Phineas is also very cool. id you know Nemo used to write in the Black Flame?Did you know Nemo wrote a book?I guess not.You people should have checked out the facts before coming here and talikng crap.
True SATANISTS who post on LttD know this.There you never see anyone try to pull this stuff.Try this on LttD and see whathappen. I double dare you.Will you? I did not think so.You people don't have the cujunes.
Posted by xfilesclassof2007rulez  on  Thu Oct 07, 2010  at  09:54 PM
Hey Adept,

I was asked that question before. I love life so I said yes.

But I found the methods given to me by the TOV were all bogus. All lies.

Aren't you grown up enough to see that for yourself?

Now I'm just happy to live a long life with my husband and kids. Much more rewarding than hyperventilating into a mirror!
Posted by LuYang  on  Fri Oct 08, 2010  at  01:42 AM
LOL good one Lu Yang! Your comment on hyperventilating into a mirror made me laugh and am still laughing as I type this!
Posted by Fly on the Wall  on  Fri Oct 08, 2010  at  02:10 AM
Dear Magus Rex,

You seem like a nice young lady. I keep on eye on Satanic message boards and think I know who you are. I once felt like you did. I was an outsider. I prayed to Satan and did things with the mirrors too. But my life was empty. Then I found a friend who is always there for me no matter what I had done.Or how bad I felt. His name is Jesus.
All you have to do is invite him into your heart. You can do this in your own words.
Leave the vampires to the children and come back into life with a relationship with Jesus.
Jesus is always there for you.

In Christ,
Posted by C  on  Fri Oct 08, 2010  at  10:38 AM
"Jesus is always there for you."

Cool story bro.
Posted by bro  on  Fri Oct 08, 2010  at  07:03 PM
I don't give a rats ass about the ToV but there is no need to bring Magister Phineas into this. Phineas is not Nemo.
Just setting the record straight.
Posted by lex  on  Fri Oct 08, 2010  at  09:38 PM
Wow! It's amazing how much bullshit can be crammed into a single webpage. Who let the lunatics out of the asylum?
Posted by Anonymous  on  Sat Oct 09, 2010  at  02:00 AM

Indeed. The ToV's Lifeforce has the biggest collection of lunatics I have ever seen.

And give my regards to Strahd, LadyRhianna, Aenigma, Linguascelesta and Ishkur - everyone's favorite liars.

Posted by LuYang  on  Sat Oct 09, 2010  at  10:39 AM
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