MY INBOX: June 2001

June 30, 2001 My favorite hoax is the one about Princess Caroboo!!! I love that story! To me she is a princess.
June 30, 2001 I once got an email subject that said,"The REAL Story of Snow White" and I read it. I don't know who it was from, but whoever it was stopped in the middle of the story and said "to hear the end of the story, click HERE" and when I did, it said that my computer now has a virus called Snow White and the sender was "Sexy Virgin(I really didn't want to type that but I thought Ishould give you all the info)." I thought it was a real virus, but my computer is obviously fine, so I think it was a hoax. Do you know?

June 30, 2001 I found out about your website in Nickelodeon Magazine.
June 29, 2001 the ghostwatch hoax thingy and the seaserpent hoax thingy kicked butt!
June 29, 2001 I grew up in Central New York; and your comments reminded me of the Cardiff Giant hoax; and that the hotel that was built at the south end of Skaneateles Lake created a "sea monster" in the hopes of bringing in customers. At the same time in the same area a guy dug up gold plates and by God's guidence translated them into English. It was a very ripe time for the strange and wonderful.