Asked to leave KFC

The Internet went into full outrage mode after Kelly Mullins posted on Facebook that her 3-year-old granddaughter, Victoria, had been asked to leave a Kentucky Fried Chicken in Jackson, Mississippi because her facial scars, caused by a recent dog attack, "scared the other diners." "Does this face look scary to you?" the furious grandmother asked. KFC's Facebook page was flooded with angry comments, prompting the embarrassed company, as a gesture of goodwill, to pledge $30,000 to help fund Victoria's ongoing medical costs. More than $100,000 in donations was also given to the family by members of the public. However, subsequent investigation found no evidence that the family had ever been in the KFC where the incident supposedly occurred. Footage from the surveillance cameras showed no sign of them on the day in question. KFC said that, no matter, it stood by its offer of financial support. Young Victoria's family, for their part, continued to insist that the incident really had taken place.


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