The April Fool Archive

The Amazing Apple-Pip    (April Fool's Day - 1981)

Computer manufacturer Microsense ran an ad in The Guardian announcing the "Apple-Pip," which it described as "an amazing breakthrough in computer miniaturisation."

The new Apple-Pip is a tiny computer only 3/4" high which you can grow to full size in your own garden in just seven days.

Simply sow the Apple-Pip in fertile soil during a guaranteed sunshine week, cover lightly with a soft mulch of old unpaid invoices, inaccurate stock control sheets and outdated sales forecasts — and wait to be amazed.

In two days, the monitor screen will break surface. In seven days your new computer will be fully grown and ready for use. And that's not all! If you leave the fully grown computer in the soil for 3 more days it will run to seed!

In no time at all, you can equip every branch of your business from just one Apple-Pip!!

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