The April Fool Archive

The British Weather Machine    (April Fool's Day - 1981)

The Guardian reported that scientists at Britain's research labs in Pershore had "developed a machine to control the weather." A series of articles explained that, "Britain will gain the immediate benefit of long summers, with rainfall only at night, and the Continent will have whatever Pershore decides to send it." Readers were also assured that Pershore scientists would make sure that it snowed every Christmas in Britain. A photograph showed a scruffy-looking scientist surrounded by scientific equipment, with the caption, "Dr. Chisholm-Downright expresses quiet satisfaction as a computer printout announces sunshine in Pershore and a forthcoming blizzard over Marseilles."

"Dr. Chisholm-Downright expresses quiet satisfaction as a computer print-out
announces sunshine in Pershore and a forthcoming blizzard over Marseilles."

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